🏜️Swept away in Boundless Barrens

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Ajax Cato Brinley's POV:

My legs started moving on their own as if they have separate life.

"Help ..mmhmff!"

'What! I can't open my mouth!'

My feet dragged me inside the Hopeless Hideout,as my heartbeat skyrocketed.

I clutched the cave entrance, to prevent myself from moving further.

'No No No No..'

'Nibi,Nibi!' I tried to call the spirit,but my feet dragged me into the cave.

It smelled like rotten onions mixed with sewage,so I tried to hold my breath.

My shoes splashed the slime like foul liquid all over my dress,but my legs didn't stop.

It's as if I've become a puppet of something,which is definitely not good.

Cave spiders hung upside down,as if warning the intruders and many skeletons decorated the cave with horror.

Moon rays spilled through the cracks of the cave,as the sound of the ship crew shouting my name played as the background music.

'Is this the end?Am i ..'

'What will happen to the Kingdom?'

My survival instinct started burning,as I try to get a grip of myself.

"Ooo! You have come" a voice boomed as my legs finally came to a halt.

'Who are you?' I wanted to question,but my mouth won't open. My throat started burning as I felt like someone is squeezing it.

*Chuckles* "Look at you, being pitiful and pathetic! You think you can defeat Cetus huh?"

A roar of laughter filled the cave.

"Right, you don't belong here! Go back!"

"You are dead"
"You are supposed to be dead"

I felt something hot on my cheeks.
With trembling hands,I touched it.

Black. A black sticky substance flowed from my eyes.
I have always loved black,but Today,
I hated it. It disgusted me. The cave,the sky,the voice,my eyes, everything was filled with darkness.
I craved for light.

"Don't you remember me? I OWN YOU~"

Memories of my nightmare flashed through my eyes,as I remember what happened before.

'The voice of hell!'

"Oh you remember ~"

My legs instinctively moved backwards,as I remembered it's long vannila blonde hair,dark violet nails,and burning red-green and yellow-blue eyes,which are considered forbidden.

"You ruined everything my deer, everything."
It's cornering me...
Using my last bit of strength,I pushed it aside, narrowly escaping from the clitchy-back-hitting-the-wall troupe.

"But your soul is mine. Never forget it!"

It yelled squeezing my neck,as it's nail found my eyelids.

'Help me God!'

"Your Highness!"


He was the last thing I saw before the darkness embraced me.




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