⚡Visit of Wives-to-be-2⚡

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"Are you going to marry my brother?"

A honey skinned girl jumped out of the bush,dusting off her pants.

She gave them (the brides to be) a look,placing her hands on her hip.

"Hudson are you planning to stay there forever?" She yawped at the person behind the bush.

"You're embarassing me Carmena" he sighed, revealing himself.

"Your Highness prince Hudson"
Morwen Diaz(the blue haired lady) bowed.

"Nice to meet you Cousin Solasta" Hudson smiled.

"Wait, she's your cousin!" Carmena gasped.

Hudson nodded, now turning his attention to the other lady.

"Hello prince Hudson, you can call me Leiko" she smiled warmly and turned to Carmena.

"Good day princess Carmena"

"You,I choose you" Carmena held her hand.

"Come on, I wish to do sparring with you"

"Pardon my sister Lady Lachin, she's just a little excited" Hudson said stressing the word 'Lady Lachin'.

"I'm your elder sister you disresp-"

"Princess Carmena I don't know how to spar,so I can't accept your offer" Leiko said with a sad smile.

"If it is alright for your Highness I can spar with you" Morwen Diaz offered.

"What are we waiting for? let's go to the training ground!" She pulled her away to the grounds.

Leiko felt awkward left alone with prince Hudson, who indirectly turned down her offer to call her by her name.

He was the youngest royal prince only six years old,who is considered a prodigy of the Kingdom. His face is the spitting image of the Emperor adorned with the beautiful eyes that resembles his mother,the Love of the Emperor,also the aunt of Morwen Diaz.

"Would you like me to show you around the Royal Garden Marquis Lachin?" Hudson spoke finally after it felt like eternity.

"If you're okay with it your Highness" She agreed nervously.

At the private training ground, two girls were sparring fiercely.

"Your Highness.... you're really good at this" Morwen breathed.

"But you're a bit lagging" Carmena sighed.

Morwen was shocked for a second,which Carmena turned into her opportunity.

"I'm really worried for brother,you can't even win against me,how will you manage the one who defeated the monster Cetus...tsk tsk.."

"I can't compare my skills with your Highness"

"No you're just so rule abiding... I'm telling you,you must think differently from the opponent"

"Pardon my bluntness but what is your age your Highness?" Morwen can't believe the witty personality of the small girl before her.

"Definitely not telling you" Carmena sheathed her sword.


Gracilla Diaz hugged Morwen Solasta Diaz.

"Welcome my lovely niece, it's been a long time"

"Greeting the-"

"Ah.. dear don't be so formal call me Aunt Gracilla or Cila"

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