🌊 Waves of Wanderers

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We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest. We must learn to sail in high winds

-Aristotle Onassis, shipping magnate

~Listen to the above video ~

The triangular moon creeps over the castle tower as the transparent sail with violet highlights rises higher and higher. Slowly it blends with the calm and shining violet shaded ocean.
The midnight ocean breeze sways the sail,as a pair of green eyes roamed aimlessly at the scenery.

"Captain, Captain Hat!" a voice cried from the crow's nest.

"Why don't you shout a little more? Don't you want to inform our spies?" a man with bushy moustache rolled his eyes

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"Why don't you shout a little more? Don't you want to inform our spies?" a man with bushy moustache rolled his eyes. His gigantic green hat covered half of his eyes. The man immediately shut his mouth,as he climbed down from the crow's nest.

"Is there any problem?" Ajax questioned, focusing his eyes on them.

"Your Highness, nothing to panic" captain Hat said with a light Bow, bending his gigantic body.

"Captain Hat, there's gonna be a storm,a mad one in that!"

"A storm?" Cato rose from his seat "will this ship withstand it?"

"Without any doubt! I've sailed across countless storms in Adamant"

Captain Hat said with a proud smile as Adamant swayed slightly,as if agreeing with him.

"Your ship sure has a unique name "
Captain Hat's eyes glistened,as he started narrating his adventures on Adamant but Cato's mind drifted back to the events happened in palace.

"Empress, greetings "
"You may rise" Empress Finola urged her son to sit.

"You must bring Cetus's tooth" she paused, looking back at Finnegan,who was recieving treatment from Lady Sonali and Monali.

"Only it can cure him..we don't have much time "

"Cetus? You mean the CETUS from the uncharted abyss?" Cato shivered visibly.

Empress nodded slowly. Cato noticed her once vivid eyes now lifeless, surrounded by dark circles. Her perfectly combed hair dishevealed and her smooth skin dry.


"I order you as the Empress. Nothing more, nothing less "

".... will he be okay until then?" Cato asked slowly. The uncharted abyss was far away from Brinley. He studied that it may take two months just to reach there.Not to mention fighting a sea monster for it's tooth.

'Is it even possible? I'm Darika not the crown prince!'

A chill ran down her spine.

"We can temporarily trap his soul inside the body using healing elixar,but....... Only for two months " lady Monali explained.

"I...i don't know.......how could I possibly fight a sea monster? Not to mention it takes months just to reach there. How? How can I return within two months?"

"I've arranged a crew who will take you to the uncharted abyss within a month.you should.." the Empress paused,some unrecognisable emotions crossed her eyes. "You....can bring it"

Ajax froze.Everything spinned around him.

'I'm Darika! Darika can't even fight an elephant, then a sea monster! I'll die!'
Cato turned aside,fresh tears forming in his emerald eyes.

"Fine. I-um I ........ I'll try" with that he walked out of the room..

Footsteps followed him as a hand held his wrist

He turned only to see his another mother, lady Sonali on her knees.

"Lady Sonali! What are you doing?get up!"

"Your Highness please have mercy!"
She burst into tears.

"Please don't do this" he lifted her to feet.

"Your Highness, I beg you! Please bring Turinji flower for my Demel. His injury is re-opening and he can't be cured completely without it. Please your Highness!"

A pang of guilt pierced through Cato's consciousness.
Previously Demel saved hi from Thunderbird's attack, severely injured in the process. He felt burdensome and utterly useless.

'Everything is because of my incompetence. I'm responsible for Demel and Finnegan's condition.only if the real Ajax Cato Brinley was here....'

He gave his handkerchief to lady Sonali,whose eyes bulged in shock.

The Crown Prince has never called anyone 'mother ' except the empress.
But today,he called her sincerely.

"I'll fight till my last breath....I won't promise something which may or may not happen. But...I dare ask you for your prayers and patience " he clutched his sword. With a small smile,he turned back, walking to God knows where.

Cato was summoned back to reality by Captain Hat's horse like laughter.

"Your Highness,we have reached waves of the wanderers " he pointed at his compass, which spinned continuously without pointing a direction.

Cato gulped, knowing the seriousness of the reality.

Somewhere on the ocean rocks,a star shined brightly.
On touching, it turned orange.
Do try it 😉

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