His comfort 🫂

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"Who are you?"

His Long creamy blonde hair swayed slightly in the breeze as his sharp eyes locked into mine.

If the situation is different, I might believe I'm in a romantic encounter but now it's totally the opposite.

Wasn't he injured fighting Banshee with his power? How is he here!

As I was drifting off from reality, a snap brought me back to reality.

"Are you going to answer or not Miss...?"

'Right! I'm not his elder brother now!
Should I tease him?'

"I-i'm Isleen"

"Isleen.." He raised his left eyebrow.

"I can't reveal my full name " I removed my messy bun, letting my hair flow.

His eyes.... Changed a bit before he caught my wrist.

"Miss Isleen, you are under arrest"

This man! He can't be swayed easily!

Now the ultimate weapon!

"HeLp tHiS mAn Is MoLeStInG mE!"

"Oh lord where is this generation going?" A group of old ladies threw disgusting faces at him.

"Being a prince doesn't give him the right molest poor girls"

A crowd started forming around us.

"She's lying! I'm arresting her"

"Your Highness! I can't serve you, I have two little siblings to take care of " i let my tears flow freely.

Many started criticizing him as some are even ready to beat him up.

He released my wrist reluctantly.

Now is the chance!

I fleed away from that place,not even trying to catch my breath.


^Yes Damsel in Distress ^

Urg.. please take me to the castle, I don't have time for this!


My arms started growing long as my chest turned muscular.

Aaa, the option's effect is wearing off!

My long blonde hair turned short brown,as my height increased.

Ouch! I need some clothes!


"As if! I'll go naked"

^Then better luck^

"Fine....on second thought I'd rather beg you than showing up naked to the castle"

Black robes covered my muscular body and star designs are adorned with platinum.

"Now to the castle!"

^I'm not your Horse^


"Where is the Crown Prince?" The Empress's impatient voice echoed through the castle walls as servants are sprinting around the castle in search of him.

"Crown Prince's knight Sir Gideon is missing Your majesty "

"Then they must be away somewhere"
Empress Finola pondered folding her arms.

"Your Majesty! News from Prince Demel Bay's physician"

"What happened?"

"His sickness is relapping again"

I Became the Crown Prince of a Novel Everyone HATED But I'm a GIRL!!!Where stories live. Discover now