📜Stolen Prophesy and Privacy-1📜

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"Now,are you ready to pay the price?"

"What do you mean?"

She smiled, like a freshly bloomed rose.

"Don't try to feign innocence" she turned back, grabbing a goblet.

A yellow smoke raised from the goblet, forming a diamond frame.

"I have saved your life, twice" she snatched my Cape, throwing it into the nearby fountain.

"Now, you're here to request another help"

I observed her in silence,as my now wet Cape floated in air.

"Though I knew what it is,I might as well hear it from you straight"
She snapped her fingers,as the Cape burned into orange ashes.

"What should I do?"

She chuckled,collecting those orange ashes in a sandclock.

"Time shall come" at her single clap, two monks appeared by her side.

"Now it's time to reveal the prophesy"
She turned back, before exiting.

"Just remember you owe me,thrice...."

"Why thrice?"

"For hiding the fact that second prince knows magic and for saving Prince Demel from death bed"

"Is he fine now?" She cured her without visiting him?

"Of course" she waved her hand, "I'm goddess Naraheave"

With a hairflip,she disappeared behind the door.

Talk about being narcissistic.

'Atleast Demel is alright. If he didn't protect me....'

Several thoughts swirled in my head as I walked, clutching my forehead.

'So Oslo is the only person who can use magic beside Goddess. But his magic is very.....weak.'

"It seems my family has hid this fact,but it's revealed now"

"Wait..... prophesy, PROPHESY!"

'Each and every story starts or revolves around PROPHESY! And it's about to be announced! Gooood! I'm officially in a crisis'

I ran as fast as I could,and reached the front of the temple. It was heavily crowded with people, nobles and others who are curious about the prophesy.

"Your Highness" Gideon appeared behind me.

"I have a urgent news" he whispered it in my ears.

"The prophesy is stolen"

"What!" I glanced at the Goddess, who is grinning at me.

"Ha....did she knew it all along" I combed my hair with my hand, frustrated.

"The words of Wise powered has been stolen" gasps and shouts followes at the Goddess's statement.

"She could have said it's delayed"

"But your Highness, Goddess never lies" Gideon said in a firm tone.

"How are you even sure?" Goddess winked at me,winked. I shot her a glare.

The people broke into chaos, about the stolen prophesy and Banshee's words.

The sand around me rised as dusts,as a gust of wind surrounded me.


A thunderbird landed before me

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A thunderbird landed before me.


"Hold on your Highness" Gideon blocked my sword.

"This bird attacked Demel!"

"Thunderbirds are highly sensitive to danger your Highness. It panicked and went loose because of Banshee."

"I know that, but it may still be in its wrong state" I glanced at the bird which stretched it's three pairs of wings.

'It has six wings in total huh?'

"It's a Royal message" Gideon untied a  scroll from it's claws.

"Can't they use pigeon or something?"

I mean why use such a giant thing to deliver message?

"Other Birds are weak. They can be killed and messages may be stolen. Also they're swift than other birds" Gideon explained.

'That too makes sense'

"You're asked to be back by the Emperor urgently"

"What are we waiting for?" I said hopping on my horse.

"We're riding this" Gideon pointed to that winged chicken.

He climbed up it, and waved at me.

"Your Highness, hurry,we don't have time"

'If I ride it I won't have life'
'Who cares,I have died once'

I carefully climbed on its back,hands trembling due to adrenaline.

It took off swiftly, tearing through the clouds.

*ÀAAAAAAAAAAAAA* I screamed internally. Gosh it's as fast as jet!

In no time,we reached the castle gates.

"Greeting the Golden Sun of the Empire, The Emperor" I bowed.

"There will be a event" He stated simply.

"Your Majesty?"

"A event for choosing the crown Princess" he sipped his wine.

"I object!" I slammed my fist on the nearby pillar.

He glared, throwing the wine cup on the same pillar.

"I didn't ask your opinion.Its an order"

"I'm married and I have a son"

"It's not official. He won't be your heir"

I gritted my teeth. Seriously?

"And also,due to these chaotic situations,we need an another big event to distract everyone" he replied, signalling for another cup of wine.

'Is he doing this to buy time for finding the prophesy?'

"You must marry the winner of the event.End of the discussion."

"Just give up on that illegitimate child"

"He is my legitimate son your Majesty" I roared.

"Whatever,but the chosen one will be your Empress and her child will be the heir" he dismissed me with a single wave of hand.


"Before speaking nonsense think about your mother who locked herself in her room.Dont dissatisfy her"

"I won't"

I walked off the place in silence.


Buckle up everyone, it's gonna be a hella roller coaster.

Will be continued....

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