🏕️Hopeless Hideout

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It was a bright sunny morning. White fluffy clouds drifted across the sky,as Cato threw up his guts,due to the night full of violent shaking of Adamant the ship.

With hair stuck on his forehead,sweat dripped from his skin as the sun smiled even more brighter at him.

"Had a rough time?" Captain Hat handled him a cup of water,which was gulped by Cato in a go.


He threw up again, violently.

"Wh-what *blerg* was ...that? I thought it was water"

"Fresh water on board would often become tainted by green scum and slime,so we add a small amount of alcohol to improve the bad taste of old water-" Captain Hat's lecture started

"Hold up, so it's ALCOHOL!" Cato exclaimed. He ran back to the railing,as nauseous sensation hit him.

"It's called grog,which is the combination of water and alcohol -" he paused looking at Cato's condition.
"Is your Highness a non-alcoholic? Oh my!"

~A few rainbows later ~

Ajax sat on the ship's crow nest,as salty breeze hit his face. His face looked drained of energy as his elbow supported his body posture.

His hands unconsciously fiddled with a bag tied around his waist,as his mind wandered to a flash back.

☄️At the palace ☄️

As Ajax hurried out of the chambers,he bumped into Oslo,the second prince,his brother.

'Ack! I accused him of MoLeStInG mE for escaping!'

He smelled of rotten tomatoes as Cato imagined what might have happened.

"Oslo, your cloth-"

With a snap,his clothes became neat.

He looked him in eye,and opened his mouth.

"Crown brother, I heard about your current task" he surfed through his Bag.

"Here, take this with you"

"It's.........a Boomerang? With Blades!"

"I planned to gift it on your 20th birthday,but the circumstances...."

'Is he telling me I won't live to see my 20th birthday?'

^No he's actually helping you ^

'Nibi kindly shut up.'

"Crown brother?"


"Do you like it?"

"Um... yeah very much..."

"May the deer spirit lead you to victory" he blessed.

'I should leave quick '

"Crown brother.."


"Be careful......"

🌫️Back to reality 🌫️

"Will I survive?"


"Nibi are you cursing me?"

The spirit turned into a parrot and sat on Cato's shoulder.

"So now you can change forms?" Cato mocked.

"Since I saved my energy for previous days, yes I can"

"So you're saying I'll be dead meat!"

"Yes,if you don't plan your steps"

"Look! In many novels, according to the script,the male lead should be flirting happily with the female lead or torturing her and then *Boom*
A happy ending!" Cato made big Circle with his hands.

"But I! God I'm suffering right from day one! Heck I can't even relax for a single day."

Nibi nodded,as if he have heared more nonsense things before.

"So back to reality,what is your plan?"

"I-um, a plan....."

Before he could continue,he spotted a small piece of land at a distance.

"A land! I must inform the captain!"
Cato climbed down the crow's nest swiftly, running to meet the captain.

"This girl! She really...." Nibi shook its head as it flew towards that land.

"We've reached the Hopeless Hideout"

"Hopeless Hideout?" a short man exclaimed.

"Don't you know about THAT incident!"

"Yo it's a story!"

"Nah that's true incident"

The ship crew started arguing among themselves as Cato stepped before them.

"What's this? What incident are you talking about?"

"Hopeless Hideout is a coastal cave that was used as a sanctuary by a ship's captain who was fleeing a tremendous storm. Him and his men however, were unaware that at high tide the entire cavern fills with water - they all soon perished and are said to still haunt the hideout to this day."

"Oooo~" some made creepy sounds as some laughed rolling down on the ship.

"Whatever it may be, we'll see for ourselves today"

"So why are we going there?"

"To rest ofcourse! Can't let the vulture like spies track us, can we?" Captain Hat smirked.

Ajax heared a faint melody that made him shiver. It reminded him of the haunted movies which he watched in his previous life as Darika.

"Could you hear that?"
"What?" Everyone looked at him clueless.

"The... nevermind "
He stood up,walking towards the Hopeless Hideout.

He never knew then that something will change his life FOREVER.

A tiny star winked at him,when he winked back,it cheeks blushed to a shade of orange.

Do try😉

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