🐎🐎Escaping the Palace🐎🐎

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When I reached Nikita's chamber, the maids bowed and the Royal guards kneeled.

'Ah this always remembers me about my current situation . And I'm not a girl now, so no one will judge me '

"Is my sister inside?" I questioned a lady,who rushed from inside.

'She must be the lady- in -waiting of my sister. She's wearing the position batch'

"Welcoming the Golden Star of the Empire your Royal Highness" she greated me elegantly.

'Ha.... it's really a tough job to be a lady in waiting......she has heavy eye bags and looks like she may pass out any second.'

"Lady may I know your name?" I asked her politely.

"Answering your Highness,I'm Emmie sorveret , princess Nikita's lady in waiting"

"You are from Baron Sorveret family"

"Yes your Highness"

How I know these you ask? I had to memorize every nobles names to proceed further with this life. I spent my resting days , memorizing each and every details of Brinley Kingdom.


Except the Royal family members and the appearance of everyone ( including the nobles)

Emmie escorted me into the chamber.
I was surprised to see Nikita sitting on the floor, surrounded by lots of accessories. Noticing my arrival, she tried to arrange them aside, feeling embarassed.

"Your Highne-"

"Just brother is enough"

"Brother, please forgive my unsightly behaviour."She looked soooooo embarassed.

I sat near her, taking a good look at the scattered accessories.They were mostly gold.

"So you're choosing accessories I assume?" Her cheeks are as pink as cotton candy.

"It's just that...I don't know what to wear with this" she showed me a beautiful dress

I don't know what to wear with this" she showed me a beautiful dress

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"Why don't you use pearl accessories?"

"I actually don't have any..... I spent my given money on this dress and other necessities....." She hung her head low , looking defeated.

"Princess, how will you face other princesses Tonight? They'll criticize your attire. You only prefer gold ornaments but this dress won't go well with them" Emmie ranted , sighing.

"It's alright, we'll buy them"

"Pardon, your Highness?"

"Nikita,come with me" I pulled her by hand, running away from the chamber.

"Your Highness! Princess! Please come back!!" Emmie's voice echoed behind like a BGM, as she Chased behind our back.

"Don't look back" I whispered to Nikita,who ran with me like crazy.

Once we got far from Emmie,I collapsed behind the pillar,panting.

'I think my body still needs rest'

"Bro..ther..... You.......are you alright?"
Nikita who was busy catching her breath, spoke finally.

"I'm fine just breathless"

"Why did we suddenly run?"

"We're going out , just wait and watch"I held out my hand,

"So,will this beauty follow me?"

"Ok Handsome" she chuckled.

We walked out together hand in hand.


The trumpets roared , ready to announce our departure.

'Oh no it won't end good . I must stop before they greet us using our NAMES!!!'

I unsheathed my sword, placing it on the neck of the announcer.

"One word out,then your head will be kissing the ground" I threatened to which he shivered and fainted on spot!

"Mr.Slater!" Nikita looked worried at the now fainted announcer.

"NOW'S THE CHANCE!" I grabbed the rope of a tied horse, hopping on it.

Bending slightly,I scooped Nikita in my arms, placing her before me.

"Giddy up"

And just like that,we galloped away from the palace.

I Became the Crown Prince of a Novel Everyone HATED But I'm a GIRL!!!Where stories live. Discover now