🍂A Drifted Bond & New Bond🌿

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"You are not my son Anymore!" With tears in her fiery eyes, my mother slapped me so hard that I could taste the iron flavour in my blood.

"Mother h-"


"I have not raised you like this"


"You disgraced the Royal family"

When she raised her hand to slap me again, Emperor Kash, my father
held it.


"Don't come between this your Majesty. I have failed as a mother." She gave me a look......I could not explain that......but something inside me died.

"I....I have spoiled you too much" she staggered, seeming to fall anytime.


"Don't you dare touch me!" She pushed me away,not so fast but it hurts.......it hurts like hell...

I gave the baby to Nikita,and Kneeled.

As the crown Prince, I gave up my pride and dignity, kneeling before my mother with my head facing the floor.

Tears flowed down, wetting my now Kneeled knees.

"I.. have disappointed mother. No... your Majesty....this Prince has been a thorn in your path....I accept my fault"

"Is this all that takes for you to give up on your dreams! Even that girl didn't give up on her aim even when you offered her to become your Queen!"

"I have not raised you like a fool......a fool enough to do such things!"

"There's nothing like LOVE that exists. You have been fooled."

I stayed still,not moving from my position. I myself don't believe in love but.......this child is my responsibility..... He.......he looks like my father...... from my world.

"Her Majesty has always been loving and supportive towards me.......
I-I ...I myself would like to be like you towards my son.." I wiped my tears, locking eyes with her.

"You have been my pillar in problems,
Pillow in my pains,
Playmate in my lonely times,
Peace in my panic,
Protection in my dangerous times"

I gave her my earnest look

"And I ..... would like to be those things to my son"


"Nikita, let's leave"

"Mother, forgive br-"

"I said let's leave. Give that back to him" she ordered calmly, more like icy.

I stood up, getting my son back in my arms. The author has casually dropped off this little boy in my personal garden. But why do I feel a very strong bond with him? Is it because he resembles my father a little? But whatever happens.....I have already given my heart to father literally and I'm ready to go to any extent for this baby.

"Ajax Cato Brinley"

"Yes your Majesty"

"I would like to have a word with you,
In private."

The room was isolated with neither furniture nor other decoratives.
The tall back of my father was in my display as I stood rooted to my spot.

The silence prevailed as I took two steps from my spot.

"We have not spoken to each other much" the Emperor spoke in his deep voice.

"You have always been a person like your mother so I didn't worry about your doings...."

"But.... you failed her and my expectations."

"But I'm not here to lecture you. All I need to know is what happened in the forest? Are Nanuaes real or just one of your schemes?"

"Your Majesty!"

I'm seriously pissed. How could he doubt it!

"Reporting your Majesty, We lured them into the forest to protect his majesty and the people in Justice Manor. Some of my most trusted soldiers died....."

"Have you slayed them all?"

"No....we are lucky enough to survive..that too only three, including me"

"Pathetic" He sneered.

"How could I trust you with this kingdom? If you left them alive,then they might come back again"

"I have sent a troop to hunt them" I said through gritted teeth.

"Just give up on that foetus. It will be a thorn in your success"

"Thankyou for your advice but I won't abandon my son."

"What if I declare it as an order?"

"You already offered my hand to random House which finds me. Your trust in me is great."

"I did that for your sake. We could find which houses are desperate for the crown Princess position and which are not"

"But you can't jump to conclusions from that alone" I sighed.

There was a huge knock on the door, revealing a Soldier breathing hard.

"Y-your Majesty, her majesty......."

"Her Majesty is burning the Royal paintings!"


"......Of crown Prince alone"


"Your Highness, the baby is crying,it might be hungry" a maid cutted through the conversation

^Wow Drama^

'NIBI you....'

I Became the Crown Prince of a Novel Everyone HATED But I'm a GIRL!!!Where stories live. Discover now