💫Four Years Later💫

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"Who sent you?" The Emperor squeezed the neck of an invader who groaned in pain.

All the warriors are killed mercilessly as the only survivor was being questioned by my father dearest.

"We are from Ivorhelm you deaf, didn't you hear your soldiers" he spat as the Emperor threw him across the pillar.

Remember me to never piss him off.

He walked towards him like a predator and stepped on his neck.

"Now who sent you?"

"I won't tell you, prepare for the battle you cursed bastard!" The next second his right hand was chopped off and he cried in agony.

"Throw him in the dungeon" he ordered passively, wiping the blood from his face.

I can feel Leiko's nervousness and Morwen's fixed stare at the culprit who was being dragged away.

"They declared war,they dared to.." the Emperor chuckled,but there was not an ounce of humour in it.

"Ajax,get ready for the war" he threw me an order

"Yes your Majesty" I replied despite thousands of thoughts swarming my brain.

"Your Majesty how can you send a newly wed prince to the war!" My mother rose from her seat furiously.

"Exactly because he's the Crown Prince" he replied casually.

They shared an intense eye contact as everyone fell silent.

"I Object" the Empress broke the silence.

"Your Majesty" I stepped forward.

"I'll go for the war"

"Crown Prince!" The Empress yelled.

"Mother" I went to her side and took her hands in mine.

"Please promise to take care of my son." I whispered.

Her eyes became teary as she looked broken.

"You won't leave me right? I'll bring your son back, I'll make him your heir, I'll do anything so please.....please don't accept his orders "

"Mother, I should go.. I'll be back safe"

"No, I won't let you go... please"

"I won't promise anything because I don't believe in promises but I'll try my best to come back soon."

"What about your wives? Atleast stay for their sake"

"I believe in you mother... Take care of my family for me" I kissed her cheek.

"I'll write you letters frequently"

"Fine, I won't refuse your decision." She announced boldly.

And there came Gideon with a sad face.

"Your Highness,you don't have to come to the battle field, your safety is the most important thing for us."

"I made up my mind Gideon,I must do my duty without hesitance. I was never and will never decline my duty."

Timeskip to 2 years:

Dear Mother,

How are you? I hope everyone is doing well there. I'm really happy to recieve the portraits of my son. I am glad you accepted him whole heartedly. The war is not as intense as before..... Both sides are growing weary of this never-ending cycle of war. But I'm good. I've learnt a lot of experiences from these two years. You asked me to select a good name for my son, and I want you to name him. Take care of my sisters and tell my brothers to stay strong. Look after my wives whom I really owe a lot. I'll bring back the news of victory,so please wait for me.
Take care

Forever Yours,
Ajax Cato Brinley.

Timeskip to another 2 years:

"Your Majesty" a servant ran into the gathering hall.

"What is the news!" The Empress asked curiously, hugging the four years old boy on her lap.

"We won your Highness! Our Crown Prince led our army into victory! We won!"

She smiled, hugging the child tightly.

"Rio your father is coming to see you!"

"Papa? Really!" Rion Slater Brinley, Cato's son jumped up and down in joy.

"I'm going to prepare for welcoming papa!"

"Slow down dear, don't run!" But he disappeared down the stairs.

"Your Majesty...." The servant hesitated.

"What happened? Is he injured? Is there any problem? Tell me!"

"His Highness Ajax Cato Brinley has married the only princess of Ivorhelm, Princess Rhea Emalyn Ivorhelm"



Leiko Selia Lachin, Crown Prince's wife dropped the tea cup which shattered into pieces.

"Your Highness!"
Her maid rushed to her,aiding her now bleeding ankle.

Morwen Solasta Diaz had a doubtful look as she decided to question the servant.

"What do you mean by that? Why did his Highness marry a princess of the defeated kingdom?"

"His Highness....has married the princess before an year...."

"You mean he married her before winning the war?"
The Empress was furious. How dare he marry another lady when his wives are waiting for him for four years. What about his son?

"When is he arriving?" She questioned impatiently.

"In three days your Majesty"

Leiko sat frozen as Morwen was shaking with betrayal.

First Consort Marnie Zona, patted the Empress's shoulder.

"Finola,you know very well about Cato than anyone else. He's not someone to do things rashly.. we must have a conversation with him to understan-"

"What's there to understand? He betrayed his wives! How can he marry at his will? That too a princess of a fallen Kingdom! What if she plots something? Yes!she must have seduced my son... I'm going to -"

Consort Marnie hugged the Empress.

"Hush...Finola let's discuss it with his Majesty, I'm sure we will find a way..
And don't forget that Cato has won a great war and returning as a hero. You must welcome him as a mother"

"I don't know Marnie, I'm afraid that trouble will befall on our family"

I Became the Crown Prince of a Novel Everyone HATED But I'm a GIRL!!!Where stories live. Discover now