〽️Sizzling Scenes 🧨

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Cato's POV:

Ha! it's been a long time when I came into this Novel world....time sure flies...

How I've changed drastically in the past years.. which was necessary to survive.

I sure did took everything for granted in the beginning which I regret till now. How judgemental am I before! I thought if I were born as a male, my life would have been better but I sure am so wrong.. Being a man is as hard as being a woman. I don't remember the last time I chatted happily with someone,showed emotions or laughed out loud.

With several thoughts swirling around in my mind,I came to a halt as tiny little hands hugged my legs from behind.


I lifted him in air, placing him on my shoulder.

"Where is your Royal mother?"

"Papa,mothers are fighting in the greenhouse, please stop them"

"What?" Why are they suddenly causing drama? That too before a child!

"Rio be a good boy and go play with my deer"

"Can I really play with Papa's deer! They said it's a national treasure" his emerald eyes sparkled.

"What are you saying,my Rio is the most precious one to me" I signalled my maids to take him to the garden.

"Don't follow me" I ordered before walking towards the Greenhouse.

"Drach... He will marry me" I heard a sudden declaration. I saw Crown princess Leiko standing from her seat abruptly.

What? Did she just mention that cornsoup second male lead's name!

"It's a taboo! Loving another man when you're married to the crown prince! I never thought you could be so shallow " Morwen glared at her.

I decided to listen on further.

"He's Betrothed to his Highness's sister Princess Nikita Pia! And she loves him more than herself!" Warned Crown Princes Morwen.

When did my sister Betrothed!? That too to that cornsoup! I advised her not to fall for that fox! Second leads are destined to pursue the female leads till death! He won't treat her as his wife! Stupid Pia I have to give her an earful..

The argument continued and I saw Rhea enjoying the drama.

"Judge me however you want but It has always been him...I love him"

"If you break her highness princess Nikita's heart, his Highness will have your head!"

"That I can assure you crown princess Leiko" Rhea intervened  "Believe me when I say his Highness always talks about princess than anyone else"

"He loves me... I don't think the princess deserves someone who won't cherish her"

"Don't act innocent,you still decieved his Highness" Rhea taunted.

Ha! What a sight to see my wives fighting like this! Poor male lead, he has it worse... Oh wait I'm that male lead now

"I don't know anymore Crown princess no Leiko" Morwen stepped away from her.

"And his Highness sang praises of his noble wives" Rhea stood from her seat,dusting off imaginary dusts. " If I stay here anymore my sanity will be in danger,now excuse me "

"You don't have to"

"Crown Prince!"

I decided to step in as I have heard enough.

I grabbed Leiko by hand and looked in her eye.

"Do you want to divorce me Crown Princess Leiko Selia Brinley?"

"I- yes your Highness"

'Your Highness please consider the royal and political situation before making a decision" Morwen bowed.

"I will give you divorce"

She looked shocked.. you didn't expect that did you? Are you the female lead since the second male lead is pursuing you even after marriage or is this some transmigrated villainess or side character shit! For god's sake I don't know anything about this novel!

"But you have to perform your duty for the Empire" I lifted her chin with my middle finger.

"This palace has housed you,fed you,dolled you up and raised you for years...So" I leaned towards her ear and whispered "repay me before you divorce me"

"How should I ?" She looked flustered as she started stepping back.

She was about to fall when I caught her in my arms.

"Give me a heir or join my counsil as a permanent member representing your Noble Lachin house"

She gasped,trying to break free from my arms which I simply granted only for her to fall on the ground.

Rhea laughed clutching her stomach but I gave my hand to lift her up.
It must've hurt..

"So will you give your decision?" I lifted my eyebrow.

"I.. need some time" she replied accepting my hand to stand up .

"Everyone gather at the Lotus pond palace" I said turning my back to them. "And don't ever fight before my son"

"We are sorry for our unpleasant display of etiquette your Highness" Morwen bowed,as Rhea gave me a 'what-are-you-doing'look.

I took Swift steps and hid behind a tree.

What are you thinking Darika! You're soo immersed in the role that you spoke such things! Ha it's really tough but I think I'm becoming the Crown Prince..

"Cato?" a soft voice called.

"It's really you!" Nikita hugged me as soon as she spotted me.

"I have missed you a lot brother.."

"I missed you too Pia" my lips formed into a smile as I ruffled her hair.

"But what were you doing behind this tree?"

"I was just ..... planning to climb this tree" I blurted out.

"Brings back memories when you were a small boy..you used to climb this Lunar Milkbark tree to fetch the glass flowers for mother...you were the only one to successfully climb this tree.. it's sharp glass thorns and velvetty bark makes it impossible for others to climb... Will you tell me your secret?"

"What for,to ask your betrothed to fetch some for you?" I turned away.

"Brother,I know you are upset but can't you hear me out?"

"Didn't I tell you he was bad news? He's not suitable for you!"


"He won't cherish you"


"He won't be there for you"


"He won't love you"

Something in her eyes died when I said those words...Her eyes became pools of melted silver as she looked me in eye.

".....I know" she whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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I Became the Crown Prince of a Novel Everyone HATED But I'm a GIRL!!!Where stories live. Discover now