🥷Bloody Wedding 🥷

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After many embarassing incidents,the painting came out pretty well,the grapes that we ate secretly was depicted in the painting, making it a great piece of memory.

Timeskip to the Great wedding:

"Cato race you down the aisle!" Emerson yelled before dashing forward.

"You won't dare-" I started running too, before stopping myself to do so. He was getting on my nerves for some time and won't even let me be in peace at my wedding.

Yes I'm getting married.

I caught him before he fell on the huge wedding cake which was made from great hardwork.

"Emerson I swear I'll marry you off to a deserted tribe if you do anything stupid again"

"Oo I'm scarrreeeeddd~" He laughed.

I Sighed already exhausted for the day.

"I can't wait to call it a day" I tried sneaking a cookie.

"You can't eat now" Emerson winks grabbing the cookie away from me.

"You thief!"

"Where's the thief your Highness!"

"Oh it's nothing it's just Emerson playi-"

"But the royal rings are missing your Highness!" The knight cried.

"What!" I gave Emerson a glare

"I swear I didn't! "

"This is getting chucklesome" I sighed

Maybe the whole universe is against this marriage..not that I complain..

"Gideon" I found my personal Knight munching on some cupcakes.

He gave me a I'm-a-human-who-needs-food-too look.

But he changed his attitude in the speed of light, putting back his honourable knight mask.

"I'll find the crook your Highness " he pledged, getting on his knee.

I bended slightly and whispered,
"Take your good own time"

His eyes widened but he understood the assignment.

"Of course your Highness, don't worry"

I am free~

I roamed the venue, throwing fake smiles and worried glances at the nobles.

I'm basically a pro at these things. God they all are gossiping as if their lives depends on it.

Suddenly a hooded figure bumped into me,falling down with a thud.

Three rings scattered from its grip.

"Who are you?" I pulled it by it's brown robe.

"Who are you?" I pulled it by it's brown robe

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I was apalled.

The person looked exactly like my body in the real world.

Except for the eye colour which is a beautiful shade of brown instead of my ebony black ones.

She wore a crown,and looked slightly matured.

"You-" when I tried to grab her, she disappeared.

What just happened!
I racked my brain,but it only got tangled.

Confused,I slowly reached for the rings on the ground,when another hand grabbed them.

"So you are the one who hid them"

"Visha Sheldon"

"Are you not willing to get married your Highness?"

"Please maintain some dignity Lady Sheldon" I opened my palm, urging her to return the rings.

"Seeing your Highness's behaviour, should I take it you forgot our deal or is it that you feign not to know it?"

Did the original crown Prince had a deal with her? Does that mean she's an important character? Gosh this is so confusing!

Afterall I made her lose the chance of becoming my crown Princess! Juniper did warn me about her but what secrets did she share with the Crown Prince?

"Lady Sheldon, it's all in the past,I hope you won't bring them in this conversation"

She gave me a doubtful glance and bowed.

"Whatever your Highness is planning,I hope you won't regret it. Do come visit this lady's home for the sake of old acquaintance" she placed the rings on my palm.

Old acquaintance? What is going on!

"Lady Sheldon!"

But she walked away,not even sparing a glance.

I clutched my hair in frustration.

Just what is happening here? What is my original body doing here?
And it disappeared before my own eyes!
What is Lady Visha Vajra Sheldon speaking about?
Why is my memory getting hazy?

"Your Highness" Oslo, my brother, the second prince greeted.
He looked charming as always,his long silver hair tied in a ponytail.

"Oslo,you can call me brother or by my name" I said for the nth time.

"How can I call the crown Prince as such-"

"Oslo fine do me a help, return this rings"

"These rings.."

"I just found it here, someone might have misplaced it"

"How can someone misplace such important things" he sounded doubtful.

"But I do found them here"

"Alright your Highness get ready,the brides are about to walk down the aisle"

My hands shook slightly. Everything is real. This is really happening.

What if I ruin their lives? I'm not the real crown Prince,and I'm a girl from another world.

If I tell them this, they'll behead me or worse,burn me.

I inhaled sharply.

It's time.

Everything happened so quickly,and I was in a daze.

I repeated the vows mindlessly, as my head is filled with several questions.

My brides put rings on my hand together as I did the same.

"...And I pronounce you three husband and wives,you may kiss the brides"

This is the most awkward thing that I ever heard. How will I even do that!

I heard that there's a belief that the one who recieves the first kiss becomes the Empress. Even my mother was the one to recieve the first kiss when she and lady Marnie married the Emperor.

Ridiculous right?

Look at these nobles, waiting like hawk to know whom I will choose.

I held their hands and kissed the back of their hands together.

Everyone was shocked and I absolutely loved seeing their reaction.

Ah take that!

That's when two soldiers barged into the wedding hall covered in blood.

"Kingdom of Ivorhelm has declared war on Our Empire!" They yelled,as a group of warriors entered behind them stabbing them to death.

I Became the Crown Prince of a Novel Everyone HATED But I'm a GIRL!!!Where stories live. Discover now