🔪 The Massacre🔪‼️warning: includes blood and fight scenes ‼️

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(MC)Ajax Cato Brinley's POV:

I gazed at the triangular moon, which was surrounded by spring shaped stars.

'Yeah I'm in a whole new world,where I can't be myself anymore'


"Who's there?"


"Show yourself or you shall never breathe again"

The rustling sound faded. I gripped my sword, looking down from the balcony.

'I really saw something moving'



No one answered. I can't jump down,I'm in third floor now. I looked back to see my family chatting with each other.

But there's no knights or soldiers.

'Something seems definitely off'


I dropped a plate from the balcony.


*Ssssss ssssss*

A large shadow moved from the bush. I unsheathed my sword, holding it in my slightly trembling hands.

I looked my reflection in bright indigo coloured eye,as it moved towards me.


My sword fell from the balcony, slapped away by a huge tail. A tongue as sharp as sword, drew a line on my hand, as fresh blood dripped down from it. As it dawned on me,my adrinalin pumped up moving my feet faster,as I ran towards the hall clutching my left hand.

'Girl get it together'

It scooped me up by my legs, as I hanged upside down from it's tail.

"CLOSE THE DOORS!" I shouted as loud as I could,as it started squeezing my legs harder.My family stood there in horror, Except the Emperor, who grabbed the Bow and Arrow from the wall, which was hanged for decoration.....I guess...

"Knights, soldiers!"He shouted for them but no one is present at the moment.Frustated he aimed the arrows at the creature.

"What are you all waiting for? Run!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Finnegan, Lance close the door behind us"He shouted .

"I'll get the soldiers" Jasmyn rushed out to get help.

It started shaking me, to avoid the arrows from piercing through it.

I used all my might to reach the floor.

'Come on a little bit...haah....haah'


It slammed me on the balcony table.

"CATO!" I could hear my mother's scream beside the closing door as blood flowed from my forehead.

It rolled me back into its tail, crushing me.


I slammed the tea cup into its huge single eye, as it dropped me down.

"Ajax, here!"

Finnegan supported me to get away from it.

"You hold on to the door, I'll go help the Emperor"Finnegan ran towards the Emperor,as I held the door with Lance.

"It's too powerful"

"At this rate it'll get ahead of us"

The Emperor's Bow was broken into bits by the creature, as it  moved towards us.

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