🟥 Voice of Hell-2 🟥‼️warning includes blood and nightmares‼️

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?????/monster's POV:

She gave me a look,a look that could make you feel completely useless and as low as a piece of waste.

Too bad it won't have any effect on me.

I winked at her, going back to reading.

"What are you reading?" Her voice came as stiff as mountain.

"None of your concern"I deadpanned,my gaze fixed on the book.

She's just so..... simple.

She didn't fight nor cry.

She's calm as a cucumber.

Then it saves my time.Good for me.

As I flipped through the pages,she was searching through my book shelf.
I watched her from the corner of f my eyes,as she grabbed a book and plopped on the floor near the fireplace.

"You can't read it"

"Why can't I?"

"This is not reality"

"Then how can you read?"

" 'Cause this is MY reality"

"So when will this end?"

"When I end it."

"When will YOU end this?"

I raised an eyebrow, to which she shrugged, trying to read the book again.

"Can't you sit put?"

"No, I hate sitting simply"

"Then why don't you sit complexly?" I laughed,to which she rolled her eyes.

"Don't you have any morals, why simply waste time  bothering me?"

"First,YOU are at MY disposal not the reverse.Second,I'm the voice of hell, don't expect any ounce of morality from me." Ha I thought this will be easy.Here I go again.

I groaned frustated as I slammed her head on the fireplace shelf. Blood oozed out from her forehead as I pull her to the chair, grabbing her by her hair.

"I HATE people who question me" I squeezed her neck, raising my hand for another slap, but a sudden force made me stagger.

She hit me hard with my book in her hand.poor girl thinks it will stop me.

"You think I'll die with that stunt?"

"Who said you'll die? I'm going to tear you to pieces,just like how you destroyed my family.I'll make sure to gift you something worser than death"she sweated, wiping the blood off her forehead.

'She's a bit tough huh?'

I slammed her down harshly on the floor,pressing her head to the floor.More blood gushed out as she let out a scream in pain.

"Do you even know my name? Don't get so full of yourself"

"If....if you th-think so,why not kill me"her voice sounded so weak.

"Now that's the tone you should use" I grinned, licking the blood off her forehead.

"Killing is easier than letting others suffer as hell" I took a knife, cutting the edge of her cheek.

"You should have not involved deer.You shouldn't" she's the one who ruined my plans.Now I'll give her the same taste of failure.

"Wwhat.. have I done?"

I smiled sweetly, hitting her hard on her head. You're being nosy.

"Hmmm...time to explore the book world" I kicked the unconscious girl aside, going back to my study.

'Humans are all dumb and stupid'

'Waste of air and water they use'


.....ur Highness"

"Your Highness"

I jolted up, jumping off the bed.

"Careful brother!" My younger brother Demel held me before I could hit the ground.

"You were sweating and swearing in your sleep,did you have a nightmare your Majesty?"a man in knight uniform questioned worriedly.

'Am I back?' I touched my head to find a familiar short hair and that thing in the bottom.


'That damn monster' a tear rolled down my cheek,as I gritted my teeth in agony.

'That damn monster' a tear rolled down my cheek,as I gritted my teeth in agony

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