👗Back as Girl-2👗

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Isleen (The crown prince's fake girl name)

Isleen moved to the middle of the stage,her back facing the crowd. She slightly swayed her hips as the music slowly sweeped away the dull atmosphere. She stretched her hand above, carefully tracing the delicate flower hangings. She softly twirled on her right toes , facing the crowd.

Many gasps filled the room as everyone was lured by her alluring eyes. Her veil added a sprinkle of mystery along with her majestic appearance.She picked up the pace as the rythum increased. The beat went up tempo,as she poured out her dance moves swiftly. No one dared to blink,as they were not ready to miss even a single move.

"She's amazing!" Nikita beamed.

"Oh please,even a monkey knows better moves than her cheap self" Juniper huffed behind her fan.

"I jowst luw thow fooud heree"( i just love the food here) Jasmine licked the bread crumbs on her lips.

"Emerson why are you silent?" Finnegan tapped his brother's shoulder.



"I think I'm in love"

*Clink* Jasmine dropped the fork,as Nikita spat her tea.

"Gosh I must clean my ears" Finnegan rose from his seat as if caught in fire.He dissapeared,not before sending Emerson the 'I'm-dissapointed' look.

Isleen (aka Cato) watched Finnegan walking out and decided to approach the gang of his siblings.

"Heyy Mr.Handsome" she traced his gloves, inching near Emerson.

"How about a drink?" Throwing a wink, Isleen turned on her heels,going back to stage.

"Hey Drooler are you okay!" Jasmine tapped Emerson's back, who choked very badly.

"I think I have seen her somewhere" Juniper whispered as Carmena and Ambrose squinted their Eyes.


"We thought..... nevermind"

"Now now spill the beans sisters,you can't just cover it up" Emerson smirked, putting on his gossip face

"Do you know her?Who is she? Is she a hidden noble? A fairy?A-"

Nikita shut him off by stuffing the Bread in his mouth,as the youngest born facepalmed, ashamed of his siblings behaviour.

"I don't know them" he flatly replied to the lady who was eyeing them.

"Hudson our baby disowned us literally!"Emerson wiped his imaginary tear,as the six year old rolled his eyes.


"Ah watch wh-"


A knife sliced through Finnegan's stomach as the crowd went crazy.


Everything happened in a slow motion as Isleen ( Cato) ran towards him yelling.

So hi everyone ☺️

Words cannot express my happiness for your support ❤️

Keep smiling(◠‿◕)

I Became the Crown Prince of a Novel Everyone HATED But I'm a GIRL!!!Where stories live. Discover now