An appledash cinderella chapter 6

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AN: You get to see another girl from the mane six :D I think I'll slowly have Rainbow meet them one by one. Comment if that's okay with yall.

Rainbow's POV:

I walk down the hall listening to bits and pieces of conversation.

"I'm so excited".

"A ball in the palace".

Suddenly a voice came on the intercom. I stop and listen.

"Good morning everyone. Now I know that most of you know about the royal ball coming up.The king of Everyone in equestria can attend. Letters will be sent home. Thank you".

A ball??. That sounds like fun. I walk into class as the bell rung. Sitting down I slung my backpack off and got ready for class.

All through the day I kept thinking about the gala. Maybe my aunt would let me go. Maybe.

Finally school was over and we were home free for spring break. The other teens were so excited. Me, not so much. More time at home means more work to do.

I have enough chores to do as it is. I walked down the sidewalk. It was a long walk home and by the looks of it, it was gunna rain.

"Just perfect".

It was pouring and thundering. Just great. Maybe the lightening will strike me and I get to stay in the hospital for a few days and not at home.

I'll take a bullet so I wouldn't have to be home with those frou frou lazy spoiled brats I call sisters.

Sighing I wrap my soaked arms around myself. I shivered as the wind picked up.

I ran down the street. I finally made it home. Unlocking the door I sighed in relief. I made it in one piece.

Walking in I look around.

"Finally you're home".

I look up and see Aunt Lucille at the top of the stairs.

I walk up upto her. "I have news that you probably already know".

I open my backpack and take out the letter. It was ripped out of my hands.

Adagio held it. "Let me see that. I didn't get one cause there wasn't enough for our class".

She opened the letter and handed it to Aunt Lucille. She read the letter outloud.

"Dear CHS student. We are to formally invite you to the Grand Gala hosted by the king. His royal highness is looking for a bride".

Aunt Lucille looked at my sisters. "This is your chance girls. The moment you've been waiting for".

The girls squealed my eardrums off. I had to plug my ears with my finger because it was so high pitched.

"Raincloud. I want you to into town and order 3 silk lace dresses. The best kind of fabric they have".

"But I have to do my chores", I said looking for an excuse to not go back into the rain.

"Go. You have to before the dress shop is drowning with work. Look for Rarity. She is only one I trust to male my girls' dresses look divine".

I looked at the floor, my hands twindling.

"Umm I was kinda wondering-".

"That you could go??", Adagio cut me off.

I look up at her.

"Um yes".

She laughed in my face. I knew it was pointless to have asked.

"HA!! Like we would want to be seen with you at the ball. The princess would laugh at you".

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