Just talk to her (An AppleDash oneshot)

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Rainbow balanced the ball on her knee. She turned the page, her eyes roaming the page. Her teammates were practicing around her but she didn't notice. All that mattered was the book in her hands and the ball. She also didn't notice the eyes on her.

Applejack sighed.

"Why is she so beautiful??".

Twilight and Rarity giggled. "Someone's quite the smitten kitten", Rarity said.

Applejack looked at the four girls. They were sitting underneath a large tree outside on the soccer field. It was after school and usually the girls came to watch the soccer team practice every friday.

"Why don't you, oh I don't know, talk to Rainbow Dash??". AJ looked at Twilight like she had gone nuts.

"Are ya crazy??. I can't just walk up to her and talk to her".

"Actually you can", Twilight argued.

"Nu uh".

"Uh huh"

"Shut up", Applejack cut off the arguing. She turned back to the reading girl.

"Besides, I don't want ta interupt her reading. It looks like a good book".

The girls rolled her eyes.

"We'll drag you up there", Twilight threatened.

Applejack's eyes widened. She looked over at Rainbow. Suddenly a ball hit Rainbow on the head. The girls looked over at the other players. They were laughing. They exchanged words, but from the distance Applejack and the girls couldn't hear.

Rainbow put the book down and walked out to the field. For an hour the girls watched her make goal after goal. Her team of coarse beat the other side of the team. Rainbow walked over to the bench and sat down. She picked up her book and resumed reading as if she had never left the bench in the first place.

Applejack stood up. "I'll go talk to her". The girls cheered. They all stood up. "Here goes nothin", she said. The blonde walked across the field and toward the girl.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

She stood before the athlete.

"Uh Rainbow??".

Rainbow Dash looked up and her eyes widened. She seemed shocked.

"Oh uh, hi"

"Mind if I sit with ya??", Applejack asked. Rainbow shook her head. She scooted over and let the other girl sit.

Rainbow put the book down. "How's it going Applejack??".

"You know my name??", Applejack asked shocked. Rainbow nodded.

"coarse I do. You're extemely popular. Who doesn't know your name in school??". Rainbow laughed a bit.

"Oh well. I'm good, how about you??".

"Ehh same old. Get up, go to class which is boring, then I go to the library or weight room after school".

"Sounds cool. You look like you work out", Applejack said.

Rainbow smiled. "Thanks. So uh what cha doing here??".

AJ rubbed her hands together. "Me and my friends come here to watch the team practice. You were great today by the way".
"You noticed me??".

"Well you do have Rainbow hair and you're really good. Ya ain't hard ta miss".

Rainbow blushed a bit. "Oh, right".

The two sat in silence for a moment. A breeze swept by, blowing their hair. Applejack looked over at her friends. They were smiling at her excitedly. She looked back at Rainbow Dash. The girl was looking at her.

"So uh, you wanna hang out some time??". Rainbow looked a bit nervous when she asked that question.

"You know, after practice. Your friends can come to".

Applejack smiled. "Sure, sounds great". Suddenly something caught her eye. She stood up and caught the ball. It was inches from hitting Rainbow. Said girl looked at the ball in her hands. She said, "woah, thanks"

The two turned and looked at Rainbow's teammates. There was two guys standing there.

"What was that for??!!". Rainbow exclaimed standing up.

"You know what could have happened to me if that hit me hard enough??". The guys chuckled.

"Sorry. We didn't mean to interupt your date".

Rainbow and Applejack looked at eachother.

"It's not a date", they said in unison. The two looked at eachother again.

"Sure it aint. See ya next week lover girl".

The team laughed and walked off. Rainbow huffed and took the ball throwing it across the field.

"Stupid teammates. Stupid soccer", she grumbled.

Sitting down she crossed her arms. Suddenly she realized Applejack was still standing there. She looked at the taller girl's and apologized.

"I'm sorry about that. They like to make jokes about me. They found out I'm gay and have been cracking on me ever since. I know they're joking though, but I don't find it funny".

Rainbow sighed.

"It's alright. Maybe you need some time with people who won't make fun of ya. My friends will never do that, come on".

Rainbow picked up her book and ball and got up. Applejack led her over to the girl's who were waiting by the tree.

"Gals, ya'll know Rainbow Dash".

The girls waved at her. Rainbow waved back.

"Rainbow's team is given her a hard time and I think she needs to be round people that won't for once".

They sat down and talked. Every now and then Rainbow will make a joke or something. She even showed them how to bounce the ball on their knees.

"Yup, like that. Great job AJ", Rainbow praised. Applejack tossed her the ball.

She looked at the time. "I think we should head home". The girls agreed. They all got their stuff and headed home.

Applejack walked next to Rainbow Dash. The two smiled at eachother.

I wish I talked to her sooner.

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