The Rainbow mermaid (AppleDash oneshot)

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Applejack sighed. She watched still water as she relaxed. She loved coming to the cove every once in a while. She felt drawn to it. It was called mermaid cove. There have been sightings of mermaids in the cove but AJ had never seen one so she wasn't so sure.

The blonde had closed her eyes for a just a moment. When she opened them her heart nearly stopped. There a few feet away were eyes looking up at her underwater. She blinked and whatever it was, was gone.

"What in equestria did ah just see??", she said outloud.

She got up and walked around trying to see if she could spot whatever it was she saw. Of coarse, she didnt.

"I probably just imagined that. There was nothing there", she told herself. She quickly grabbed her shoes, slippedbthe off and went home.

She stayed home throughout the while week. But those eyes, they wouldn't leave her mind.

So she decided to come back the next week. She forgotten all about what had happened.

Sitting down at the edge she she placed her barefoot into the water. Suddenly she heard a voice.


She jumped and turned around. Her friends stood there.

"Ya'll nearly scared the death outta me", Applejack said.

Then girls walked over to her and sat down.

"So see anything??", Pinkie asked.

Applejack looked at her. "Like what??".

"Like a mermaid".

Applejack looked back at the water. "No. But I did see something".

The girls looked at her. "Really what??, Twilight asked. She was always fascinated with the tales of mermaids being in mermaid cove.

"I looked into the water and I saw eyes looking up at me from underwater. But then whatever it was was gone in the blink of an eye".

Applejack shrugged. "Musta been mah imagination".

She looked down at the water and froze.

"Uh guys. Don't make a sound", she whispered. The girls looked at her confused until they looked at the water. If they concentrated really hard they could see something. Or someone.

AJ stared down at the eyes. Those eyes. They were a beautiful shade of magenta. That's all they saw. Those eyes. But before they could do anything at all those eyes were gone. They saw a shadow move underwater.

They were silent for a moment.

"What was that???", Twilight asked.

Noone knew.

AJ looked at the girls.

"Let's go home".

The girls got up and grabbed their stuff and left.

"That was weird", Pinkie said.

They nodded. Way too weird.

The girls decided to go swimming the next day. Applejack hoped that whatever they saw would come back. She wanted to see those eyes again.

They arrived and looked around. Empty and still.


Pinkie ran to the water's edge and jumped in. The girls laughed and jumped in after her. They stayed there, sunbathing, playing water tag, and just splashing around. They had so much fun.

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