Those days

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I wrote this because my moods are out of control :'( im a mess. But I'll survive. I was like this at school today. Except the ending part.

Applejack watched Rainbow. The girl was sulking by the window, head against the window.

Rainbow was having one of those days. Those days when she was one way a while then changed all of the sudden and became the opposite.

Rainbow hugged her knees and sighed sadly. Applejack sat behind her.

"You wanna be alone??", she asked.

Rainbow shook her head. She leaned back against Applejack. The blonde held her, comforting the depressed teen. Rainbow didn't say anything.

Applejack just held her. It was really depressing to see her girlfriend like this. She knew she needed to be emotionally and physically ready for the day ahead of her.

As she stated out into space she heard a giggle. Looking down at Rainbow she saw that she was laughing.

Rainbow laughed and laughed.

"Wanna share what's funny with me babe??".

Rainbow looked up at her, a smile on her face.

"You're tall".

Rainbow busted into a laughing fit. Applejack grinned and raised an eyebrow.

"Well yeah. Ah guess ah am. Why's that funny exactly??".

Rainbow couldn't stop laughing long enough to explain. She just laughed. Applejack enjoyed this mood.

Rainbow stopped laughing. She said, "I'm gunna get some water".

Her smile was nowhere on her face. Well it was fun while it lasted.

The teen stood up and walked out, hands in her pockets. AppleJack got up walked out after her. Walking into the kitchen she saw Rainbow drinking a cup of water.

Rainbow looked at her. She stared at the clock for a moment. AJ noticed an angry look in her eyes as she stared at it. She she was done, Rainbow slammed the cup on the table.


She stomped out of the kitchen. Applejack sighed quietly. She knew where this was going. She took a deep breath to prepare herself. This was an angry Rainbow and she needed to be calm for this.

Walking out she found Rainbow beating the wall with a pillow throwing it at the couch. Applejack stood there and watched her.

Rainbow flopped down on the couch in an angry fit. Applejack knew to keep her distance. She sat on the other end completely relaxed and calm. Every few minutes she would look up and see Rainbow glaring at her. This went on for about an hour. Applejack watched tv. She had to keep a smile off her face.

She looked up again at Rainbow.

"WHAT??!!", Rainbow yelled.

Applejack smiled and waved.

Rainbow crossed her arms and sat back grumbling.

"I hate everybody. Everybody's getting me mad and annoyed today. Of all days you had to look at me like that TODAY!!".

Applejack almost was entertained but it pained her to see Rainbow not being in control of herself. She didn't like this version of Rainbow. She couldn't hold her when she was out of control and angry.

Suddenly Rainbow stood up. She took a pillow and put it to her face, laying down. Applejack shot up and went over to her. She grabbed the pillow. The two wrestled for it.

"Rainbow please, let go. Ah know you're mad but you don't know what you're doin".

Rainbow gave her the most evillest look Applejack had ever seen on her face. It scared her kinda.

"I don't care. I don't care about anything. Now leave me alone", Rainbow growled.


Rainbow stood up. Applejack backed up a bit. Not in fear because she's seen Rainbow in worse times like this. She backed up so Rainbow would have to take a few steps if she decided to punch her.

Rainbow growled. She threw a pillow at the blonde which she caught. Walking away and took a water bottle and chucked it at the wall. The water hit the wall with a bang!.

Applejack went after her. She didn't trust Rainbow's decision making right now while she was angry.

Walking into their bedroom she saw Rainbow on the bed. She just laid there, emotionless. Applejack quietly sat down and watched. Rainbow looked at the ceiling. She blinked away angry tears.

"Rainbow??. Talk to me".

Rainbow sat up and looked at her.

"I'm just tired. Tired of school, tired of family, tired of life".

The blonde scooted closer. Wrapping an arm around her she waited. Rainbow laid her head on her shoulder.

"Why am I such a mess??".

Applejack smiled. "You're not a mess. You just have alot ah stress right now. It's okay ta be like this once in ah while".

Rainbow hugged her.

"Thanks for not thinking I'm crazy today".

Applejack smiled. "I'd do it everyday if ah had to until you felt better. Ah just want ya to be okay an feel happy an safe an.....".

Rainbow looked at her.

"You're awesome".

Applejack smiled. "Well. Ah am pretty great. But you. You probably broke a hole in the wall with that arm of yours. You're strong".

Rainbow's eyes widened.

"I did??".

Applejack laughed.

"You looked so funny when you were glaring at me. Ah swear you looked like ah insulted you or somethin".

Rainbow hid her face in her hands.

"Shut up Applejack".

Applejack smiled and kissed her temple softly.

"It's okay. Ah know you didn't mean to be mad. Ah find it interesting to watch you. You went from depressed ta laughin', ta she - devil, ta angry and yellin' and stompin' and throwing a fit all in like".

She looked at the time.

"Three to four hours".

Rainbow gaped at her.

"It's don't even remember most of what I did. Was it bad??".

Applejack nodded.

"You were worryin' me. Ah was about ta have ta hold ya down so ya didn't break your hand punchin' a wall".

Rainbow sighed. "Sorry you had to go through all that today".

Applejack smiled and hugged her.

"It's okay. Wasn't your fault. I'll do this every time this happens. That's a promise".

Rainbow smiled. "I've said this already but you're amazing".

Applejack smiled. "Just don't change. This gets fun when you're use to the yellin' an screamin' andgrowlin' you do when you want everybody away from you. I love you".

"I love you too, you're my protector".

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