The hunter and the wingless fairy part 7

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Applejack backed up a few feet, eyes wide. A man stood there, spear in hand. A frown was on his face.

Applejack was scared by him. He looked like he wanted to hurt her.

"Rainbow. Who is this??", he asked.

Rainbow stood there, completely unafraid of the man.

"Dad", Rainbow began, "This is Applejack. My friend".

Applejack looked at her. Father??. This terrifying man was the father of someone as gentle and shy as Rainbow??. He looked a but like her. The Rainbow hair was a match.

The man looked at Applejack, raising an eyebrow. Applejack smiled kindly at him.

"Hello sir".

Rainbow looked at her dad.

"Dad. It's not what you think".

Applejack raised an eyebrow at her. The blonde looked back at the man. His eyes were burning a whole into her body. It almost physically hurt.

"I want you home. Your mother wants you home".

Rainbow looked at Applejack.

"Bye AJ".

Rainbow gave her a small smile and walked off. Her dad looked at Applejack once more before walking away. AJ watched them disappear behind the trees.

She sighed.

"That guy was Rainbow's dad??", she asked noone as she turned and headed back home..

"What??. That's creepy and kinda scary", Twilight said.

Applejack nodded. She let out a sigh.

"Ah can't believe that a man like that was the father of Rainbow??".

"So", Pinkie began. "Are we ever gunna meet this Rainbow??".

Twiliht looked at the hunter. Applejack sighed again.

"Ah'm just worried if I'LL be able to see er again".

"So a yes then??".

Applejack and Twilight looked at Pinkie. Applejack gave her a look.

"Fine fine. I won't ask anymore. But from what you've told me that girl is hiding something".

"Ya think??", Applejack asked.

Pinkie nodded.

Applejack thought for a bit. She shrugged.

"Oh well".

She stood up. "So, we gunna go do something??".

Then girls got up and went to the forest. They hung out for a bit. Laughing and joking around.

"Look I'm a deer", Pinkie giggled. Two sticks stuck out of her hair, as antlers. Twilight and Applejack laughed.

"Pinkie, get those out before you hurt yourself", Twilight warned.

Pinkie giggled and took the sticks out. She placed them on the ground where she found them.

AJ leaned against a tree and smiled.

"Ya'll need ta calm down before I leave ya here by yourselves".

The two girls rolled their eyes. Applejack, next to Twilight, was the most careful of the girls. Especially when they were hunting. The teen took every safety rule seriously.

"Oh you won't", Pinkie said rolling her eyes.

AJ placed a hand on her hip.

"You know ah will".

Twilight nodded. "Pinkie shut up. She would".

Pinkie stopped talking and looked around.

"But still. You met Rainbow's dad. That's cool".

Applejack sighed. Rainbow. The beautiful strange girl that she knows almost nothing about. Yet AJ felt like she had known her forever. She enjoyed her company. Everything about her was beautiful. Her hair, eyes, height. The girl was pretty cute.

Running her hand through her hair Applejack looked at the girls.

"Call me crazy, but ah think Rainbow is cute".

Twilight and Pinkie looked at her.

"Awww. You have a crush on her!!", Pinkie squealed. She jumped up and down, a big smile on her face. Twilight smiled at AJ.


Applejack grinned and shrugged.

"Maybe ah do".

Applejack's eyes widened. She has a on Rainbow Dash. Shit.

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