Ballroom dance

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No copyright intended. This is that Applejack version of the ballroom scene from the new Cinderella. I saw it in theaters a few months ago and I loved it!!! XD so enjoy. I'm writing this and I'm asking myself: Why didn't I write the Applejack couldn't Cinderella ball scene like this??!!. Oh well. Here it is. Let me know what you think :)

Rainbow got out of her carriage. She looked up at the large castle. All the lights and decorations made it look like something out of a fairytale.

She bit her lip.

"I don't think it can do this", she said, looking back at Pinkie and Fluttershy.

"I'm not royalty. I'm an ordinary orphan servant girl".

Fluttershy shrugged. "We're just birds. Not human", she said. "Go on
Enjoy while you can. You only have until midnight".

Rainbow turned back around. She took a deep breath and nod.

She began to climb up the long stone staircase. She walked up to the entrance. Two guards open the doors for her. She smiled at them and walked in. Rainbow looked around in awe. The castle was beautiful. Who knew that there would be castles like this still around and this beautiful in the 21st century.

"I feel like I'm in a story book", Rainbow said to herself.

She quickly walked up to a door. That must be where the ball was. She heard alot of noise.



This must be the right door. Rainbow knocked on it. It opened. Two more guards let her into the room.

Rainbow walked in. She gasped. There were many people. All dressed up. Rainbow walked up to the railing and looked down at the people. Suddenly she realized everyone was looking at her. Rainbow tried to stay calm. She turned and saw a staircase. She walked down it, trying to be as regal as possible. For the first time since her parents died, Rainbow felt like a princess.

The teen stood at the top of the Grand staircase. She deeply curtsied, bowing her head. That was one thing she remembered that her mother had taught her when she was young.

Rainbow lifted her dress with one hand to make sure she didn't trip on it. She slowly walked down the stairs, looking at everyone. Her eyes cast down at the stairs then back up. She held her head high in confidence.

Rainbow stopped at the bottom. She spotted Applejack. Applejack looked nice. She wore pants amd a regal shirt which Rainbow thought it was strange to do so since she was a princess. She had never heard of a princess wearing pants at a ball. But she dismissed it.

Applejack smiled. She looked at the girl as she desended down the stairs. Applejack thought she was beautiful.

(AN: imagine Rainbow wearing the dress you see above, but with a closed skirt and legs not showing. A regular dress and of coarse it's not Cinderella without the glass slipper so she's wearing gold colors glittery translucent glass slippers)

Long rainbow colored hair. The girl had on a beautiful rainbow and white colored dress. She was the most beautiful girl there. Applejack couldn't look away.

The crowd had parted to give the girl space. Applejack slowly walked up to her. She recognized her right away. She was the girl she bumped into at school. The girl and her met eyes. They walked towards eachother. They met in the middle.

The girl smiled. Applejack suddenly realized something. This girl was also a princess.

"Applejack", the girl said.

Applejack smiled back. "It's you again. You're highness". Applejack bowed.

Rainbow was surprised. Applejack thought she was a princess.

Applejack looked up at the girl.

"It would the greatest honor if you would allow me ta lead you in this.....".

Applejack couldn't help but forget the next word. This princess was captivating.

Rainbow giggled a little. "Dance??".

Applejack nodded. "Dance. Yeah. That's the word".

The unnamed girl gave a nod.

(Look up the Cinderella 2015 dance scene if you want a better idea of what this scene looks like)

Applejack reached her hand out and placed it on Rainbow's waist, the other behind her back. Rainbow felt her breathing stop for a moment.

The music started. They swayed to the music. Applejack spun Rainbow around. Rainbow saw everyone staring. She looked at Applejack.

"They're all looking at you", she said.

Applejack smiled and said, "Trust me. They're all lookin' at you".

Applejack took her hand. She led Rainbow into a waltz. Rainbow hadn't waltzed with a person before. She had to count in her head. 1 2 3. 1 2 3. 1 2.....
She felt her mind going blank. She just danced. The princess turned her around and held her hand and waist. They danced in a circle.

Rainbow felt as if she were floating on air. She had never felt this happy ever since her she was a child.

The two waltzed around the room, looking into eachother's eyes. The crowd smiled.

Rainbow giggled. Applejack suddenly took her by the waist, and lifted her up. Rainbow gasped and smiled. The crowd gave a cheer.

The dance went on. Applejack spun her around, literally sweeping her off her feet. Rainbow giggled again. The music began to slow down. Applejack put her down and spun her and then dipped Rainbow slowly. Rainbow rose up and took a step back. The two girls bowed, the song ending.

The crowd cheered. Rainbow smiled at Applejack. She couldn't believe it. She had just danced with the princess.

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