The hunter and the wingless fairy part 15

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So yeah. Let me know what yall think below :) this is where things get exciting!!

Rainbow was relaxing in her room, reading a book by her window. Reading was her favorite pass time. Other than spending time with Applejack.

The princess had come to realize that she had fallen for the blonde hunter. She couldn't help it. Applejack was brave and strong and funny and sweet and always protective of her. Rainbow loved her awesome personality and was impressed by her skill with a sword. Not to mention that she was hot!!

Rainbow sighed and closed the book, setting it down. Looking around, she realized just how lonely it got in her room. She decided to walk around the castle. She stood up and walked over to the door, fixing the crown on her head she very rarely wore.

Suddenly, it opened. A guard came in.
"Your highness".

He bowed. "It's your father. He's in trouble".

Rainbow gasped.

"What happened??".

The guard shut the door. That seemed odd to Rainbow but thought nothing of it.

"Well. We went to the meadow but he was injured. He sent me to take you and only you to him. Please we must leave quickly".

Rainbow nodded. She and the guard walked out.

"Please. Don't tell anyone we're leaving. We don't need panic in the castle. We'll get the king and then come right back".

Rainbow nodded. They walked down the hall. Rainbow clutched her necklace. It was a gift from Applejack. The hunter had given it to her a few days ago and Rainbow hadn't taken it off.

The princess and the guard hurried out the castle gates. They walked out towards the village.

"Ill carry you princess. We won't need any pegasi".

Rainbow raised an eyebrow.


"It'll be faster. Just trust me".

Rainbow swear she had heard those words before. Don't need a Pegasus.

Shaking it off she nodded. The guard picked her up in his arms and off they flew.

Are you sure he's here??", Rainbow asked.

"Dad!!", she shouted.

She just wanted to find her father and get home. It was dark out and her mother would start to worry soon.

"Wait!!", the guard suddenly said.

"There he is!!".

Rainbow turned around. In the dark she saw a shadow not that far away.

"I'm over here!!", she heard a voice.

She hurried to where the voice was coming from. She turned a corner and but suddenly stopped. She gasped and froze in fear.

That wasn't her father. She realized then and there that she had been tricked. The man smirked at her evilly.

"Hello princess".

Applejack stayed low the ground, her bow and arrow ready.

With the target in sight, she looked and Twilight and Pinkie, who were ready to strike as well a few feet apart from each other.

Raising the arrow, she pulled it back and aimed.

"On three", she whispered loudly.

"One". She closed on eye and stayed on the target.



Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Twilight jumped in fright. The deer was spooked and ran off.

Applejack stood up. She saw Rainbow's father flying towards them. He landed in front of them.

"Your highness. What is it?? We were kinda the middle.of somethin".

The king looked worried. Applejack began worried just looking at his expression.

"What's wrong??", Twilight asked putting her bow and arrow away.

"I need you girls to come with me", The king said. "Rainbow is missing".

Now you're probably think 'what the heck?? Wasn't he suppose to be missing??'. Well he's not >:) hehe
So I hope you enjoyed this and tell me what you think and I'll post another chapter up when I can :)

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