My brave little soldier

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So it's memorial Day!! The day we Americans celebrate and recognize the soldiers that have died serving our country. We salute you soldiers :)

Also, I know memorial is suppose to be for the soldiers that died but I couldn't have Rainbow die. I just cant

Applejack sighed. She stared at the TV numbly. She was suppose to be laughing but how could she when her girlfriend was halfway across the world, fighting for her??.

You see, Rainbow was in the army. She had been away on call for 6 months now. Not a day went by that Applejack didn't miss her by her side.

Taking our her phone, the blonde scrolled through pictures of the two. She missed Rainbow so much it hurt.

She missed her laugh, her smile, her.

Suddenly she the doorbell rang. Standing up she trudged over to the door. Opening it, she saw her friends standing there.

The girls frowned when they saw Applejack.

"One of those days huh??", Spike asked.

The green haired kid looked up at him big sister, Twilight.

They walked in. Applejack flopped down on the couch. She continued scrolling through the pics.

Rarity and Fluttershy sat down beside her.
The blonde sighed sadly. She stopped at one picture. It was of Rainbow Dash and her when they were first a couple.

"She looks so beautiful".

Applejack looked at Fluttershy and smiled.

"Yeah, she does".

The girls sat there scrolling through the pics of all of them, smiling at the memories.

"She always did love this movie".

The girls had just finished watching White house Down. One of Rainbow's favorite movies.

"Hey. Watching the movie without me??".

The girls jumped in surprise. They gasped. There stood Rainbow Dash. She was smirking.

Applejack stood up and ran over to her. She pulled the girl into a hug and cried. She cried and cried.

The shorter girl had tears running down her face as well. Finally after what seemed like hours of hugging they pulled away.

Applejack sniffled. "Oh mah gosh. You're here. Ah can't believe it".

Rainbow smiled. "Yeah I'm here".

Rainbow looked at the girls.

"Well, what are you waiting for??. Come here".

The girls ran over to her and wrapped the soldier girl in a group hug.

Pulling away Twilight smiled.

"We missed you so much Rainbow".

"Yeah. We were all really sad when you left. It took forever to shake it off. Applejack here did but today was one of her 'I miss Rainbow so much so gunna be all gloomy and moody' days".

Rainbow looked at the blonde who blushed. She smiled.

"I can tell you were surprised. I didn't tell you guys I would be coming home".

Applejack smiled.

"Yeah you little bugger", she said hugging Rainbow from behind.

"Ya didn't tell me. So Ah'm gunna do this".

She began to tickle the girl. Rainbow squealed and laughed.

"Let me go. Hahaha!!".

Applejack smirked. She stopped after a while. Rainbow was on the floor, dying of laughter.

Rainbow stood up smiling. She sighed.

"That was great. I needed that".

Rarity smiled.

"Well we all missed darling. I'm so glad you're back".

She hugged Rainbow. Rainbow smiled.

"Can you tell us some of your adventures??", Pinkie asked.

Rainbow smiled.

"Sure. Some I can tell. Some, confidential. Let's go outside".

The group went out outside to the park nearby.

They settled down by the swings. It was empty so noone would bother them.

Rainbow began to explain one of her experiences while she was gone. It was full of action and blood and fear, and intensity. The girls were on the edge of their seats by the end.

"How did you get away??", Pinkie asked.

Rainbow smiled. "I remember looking to my right and I saw a helmet laying nearby. I grabbed it and shielded my head with it as the bullet was shot. I heard it bounce off. Then I heard another gun shot go off. The guy had been shot. I saw him fall to the ground, dead. It was pretty scary. Then I was rescued and then we headed back to base and the rest is history".

Applejack walked over to her. She wrapped her arms around her.

"Ah am so proud of you. You went through all that for your country".

Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Well I was only thinking of you guys. But yeah, I guess the while country would have suffered too I guess".

Applejack poked her side. Rainbow laughed.

"I'm kidding".

She sighed sadly.

"But then I found out that some of my friends had been in battle".

The girls gasped. Applejack gave her comforting touch. Rainbow looked down.

"Ah'm so sorry".

Rainbow shrugged. "It happens. I didn't expect some of them to be alive by our serving time".

Applejack frowned sadly. She brought Rainbow in close, placing her head on her chest. Rainbow sighed.

"I miss them already".

"Ah know", AJ said quietly. "Ah know".

After a few minutes Rainbow pulled away, wiping a tear away.

Applejack smiled and brought her close. The blonde kissed her forehead.

"But still. Ah'm proud of ya. Mah brave little soldier".

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