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Bruno sat in the dull echoing vision cave...trying to decipher the drawings on the walls their door just been one in treating a girl plaited hair turning ...white? for some strange reason.

He didn't know what it meant. There was shots coming out of her hands and her eyes were blood was a mystery but somehow he knew it was bad.


Suddenly his head whipped around to the sound of a noise occurring in the cave his sister jet red hair in her signature yellow dress.

'Pepa please calm down'

'I'm sorry I just can't wait to see what my little hermoso mijo has install for him'

'Okay okay... come...s-sit'


A moment of silence went by they were sitting in the middle of a dusty dirt ridden circle. A deep breath was exhaled from his lips as he held her hands.

Suddenly the dust lifted itself off in the air magically swerving around the two as it produced clear green images. A boy curly hair...shape shifting...chameleons...and then through the darkness was a girl ...

she stood proudly her hair flowing in the wind she had...

soft skin and small frame accompanied by a blue floral skirt....

Her and the boy where playing together, then they were dancing they looked happy in-love even.

The next thing Bruno saw were the two...kissing? And then everything took a turn for the worse

From that day on Bruno vowed never to use the visions on his Nieces and nephews sisters stepbrothers stepfathers whoever..

it too dangerous and if his family was getting hurt there will be no end to his guilt.

...but all was about to change... 12 years later


(Chapters won't be short like this I just had to get the prologue out of the way so I can write the greatest story thank you for all your support <33 )

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