35 ~ wake up

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The only thing in my sight was darkness, it was empty.

I blinked a few times to see if I was in A form of trance, but nothing happend.

I heard quiet and muffled voices going off from outside my head.

They were increasingly getting poised and louder and they kept on yelling and yelling,on the verge of screaming.

I covered my ears to try to drown out the agonising sounds, squeezing my eyes tightly closed.

Suddenly, there was a high loud pitched sound, I gripped to the sides of my head in agony, until it all fell silent quickly.

I opened my eyes to find myself stuck in some form of void?

It was black, and empty, the only thing inside was I thin layer of water in the floor

As I walked amongst the darkness, I called out hopelessly, praying that someone would help me, or even find me.


As I called out, I heard someone's voice coming from somewhere in the darkness

I rushed towards the sound I saw Camilo, stood in front of his Abuela, yelling at her

'HOW DARE YOU!' He screamed in her face, pointing his finger at her.

The rest of his dialogue was muffled, but I had managed to guess some words




I knew that it had something to do with Abuela's husband, maybe myself

As silent tears fell down my face, I tried to reach out for Camilo, begging for him to notice me.

But as soon as my had made contact with his arm, he slowly melted away, into a cloud of dust

'Camilo...' I spoke breathlessly

I tried towards the madrigals Abuela as she turned to smoke too, and then Pepa and Fèlix, Delores and Isabella

As each of them slipped away into nothing, I screamed and pleaded with them to stay but none of them listened, or they couldn't.

As the last if The Madrigals slipped away, I fell to my knees crying.

I was all alone, empty, left in the dark again, there was no light left here, or in my life for it had all been taken...long gone now

'Please...come back...' I whispered into my hands as I sobbed uncontrollably

I was left lone, and I had known my fate this is what being dead was like.

Endless pain, having to see the world move on without you.

'Hey...' I head a soft tranquil voice echo from behind me

It was Mirabel. The air around her seemed to glow and I darent touch her.

I got up in disbelief, my mouth agape as I moved closer to her

'Y-your here?! How' I asked her in desbelif

'Im here because of you y/n...'

'Because of- me?'

'Why of course, you saved me, I'm so many different ways' she spoke softly

'B-but your not- your down there...' I turned my head around as I saw an image form below me

It was Mirabel sitting by a lake sadly.

'That's...me yes...this is my spirit of some sort' she tried to explain to me as I looked towards her

'We don't have much time...but I'm her to tell you something'

I looked at her questionably as she guided me somewhere

'You have two choices y/n, you can stay here, with me and I'll tell you what's happening with your friends and family, forever' she trailed off as she smiled at the second option

'Or you can go back down there, and live out your days with my cousin, your soulmate...' she smiled at me as I looked at her

'What will happen...'

'If you don't go back?' she questioned me as I nodded

'Well...Camilo won't move on...' I smiled at the thought, even though it seemed cruel

'Until he meets the woman of his dreams' my heart began to sting as I looked back at Mirabel

'You just have to wake up' she flicked me on my forehead

As she did so my eyes began to close, quickly opening again

I found myself in some bushes, along the same river I had seen Mirabel.

As I moved around un-gracefully I looked across the river to see Mirabel and Camilo looking straight back at me

'Well..I didn't die so you could just nope around and cry about it' I smiled back at them

The both looked at me with happiness and raced across the river, wrapping me in their arms.

After our hug Camilo brought me back into his own arms, kissing my forehead

'I-is it you...please tell me it's really you' he pleaded as tears fell down his face

I placed my hands in his cheeks and he flinched slightly, but soon after melting into my embrace

'I'm here' I whispered to him as he picked me up laughing and kissed me gently

'I'm never letting you go again'

'I promise...' Camilo whispered to me softly connecting our foreheads together

We both turned around to the sound of mirabel scoffing at us, her arms crossed.

I laughed lightly as I linked her arm in mine, hearing an annoyed voice from behind us as we laughed together

'Seriously I JUST got her back!'

As the three made there way past the river they laughed and giggled amongst themselves in joy

But the joy was about to come to a fast stop



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My darling , my love (Camilo madrigal x reader)Where stories live. Discover now