1- welcome

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'So where are we going anyway I mean we're middle of nowhere doesn't sound very appealing I don't want to survive on cactus juice for the rest of my life thank you very much.'

The Brunette pondered slowly making ice figurines in her hands...they were small and delicate but she would discard of them easily and they would soon melt under the hot Colombian sun.

' luckily for you my dear friend we will not be surviving off of cacti juice for the rest of your life'

'we're going to a small town are used to know that we want to help you help me discover our powers to a greater extent...it'll be fun'

her friend said while gripping his backpack nervously they just made it over the mountains... God knows how especially without being seen.

' Who are we even meant to stay with I'm sorry but I don't think you have any friends except from me of course' you spoke smirking subtly at your friend.

'Ha ha very funny you should be a comedian my Abulela used to be friends with with this woman her family again some sort of I want to say miracle they have what they called...gifts there... powers basically and they've been controlling them for a long time'.



As the famila sat down for breakfast We could all see that tensions where high with Abuela...which I have no reasons for but it was nice to have a plate full off food and a tower of tía Julia's arepas.

Abuela went on about Marinos proposal to my cousin Isabella which was very boring as soon as that was over I formed into Mariano and played a joke on her....unfortunately I got a flower to the mouth for that one it hurt but it was worth it!

As we are about to eat Abuela stated one more thing...

' oh yes and my best friends Grandson will be visiting us with his best friend they also have received gifts and we will not private or asked questions okay- LA FAMIL-'

All mouths we're open wide...and that when the questions started to flood in

'WAIT WHAT WHO-' mirabel whipped her head around to face Abuela

'DO THEY LIKE FLOWERS' Isabella spoke in an excited tone

'HOW OLD ARE THEY!' I felt I had to make some input!

'PEPI CALM DOWN AMORE' my papa Spoke trying to calm down my mama


Abuela looked at us all with a harsh stare which made us all quiet down

'Okay now we must prepare for guests okay we need to make the best impression we can because these gifts could really help me Encanto ready! LA FAMILA MADRIGAL' Abuela spoke informing the family of the guests arriving soon

'LA FAMILA MADRIGAL' was heard throughout the table as everyone went to prepare

I ran straight for the door ready to greet the guests...after all maybe mama would be right...if this girl was my age I would like to make a good impression after all.... She could be MY true...Vida




He spoke leaning into me.


'Y'know....that thing that you can do with the ice that

GUIDES YOU TO YOUR DESTINY' Andreyź spoke excitedly using his hands for dramatic effect

'Not exactly that but...sure'

' well I know the madrigals live so I need you to create a path so we can follow it simple!.'


'Please?' He said with fake puppy dog eyes looking at me for reassurance

You smiled softly as you nodded, stomping your foot harshly in the ground to create an icy...misty path for you and Andreyź to follow.

As I wander through the small village I could see  people trading on the streets people selling people buying the spices and the smell of fresh fruit mixed with spices turned out Encanto really lived up to its name.

We have made our way up the hill on the top was a crazy house I'll admit it was a crazy house from one side of a pink flowers blossoming everywhere until the other there was a rainbow sprouting from a woman's head.

I was looking at the house I tripped on something as I was about to fall someone caught me... Me?

'Wha— I um- huh?!'


'Yeah yeah calm down mamí your going to thunder'
The boy spoke...he was pretty...he wore a yellow runa with Chameleons sewed on it....cute 

The boy shifted back into a self I'll admit but it's was as if I were frozen as if I couldn't speak.




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