29 ~ Every summertime

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'Baby is give up anything
to travel inside your mind
Baby I'd fall in love again
come every summertime'


As we started to fool around on my bed, my lips gradually moved lower and lower down her neck, whereas my hand moved its way further up her thigh.

I looked up to her and saw her in her flushed and flustered mess, she looked so so beautiful like this

As I kissed her again, I softly added my tounge, looking down at her to see if she was okay with it, and she smirked back at me as I continued.

As we began to make out, my hand slithered further and further up her thigh and her hands moved though my hair in pleasure.

As the kiss became more passionate and heated, I pulled apart for some air, and we both began to pant, before looking back at each other.

I began to smirk at her and she looked away blushing, even though she'd just been kissing me passionately, she was still a flustered blushing mess around me.

She was adorable, mi vida, so lovely and perfect

As she looked away from my shyly, I smiled softly above her, before placing my finger and thumb below her chin, turning her head to face me.

As I lowered myself down slightly, I continued to smirk softly towards her, bringing my face closer to hers

'Someones nervous~' I whispered softly in her ear before kissing her on the lips softly

'W-wha ..no I'm not' she spoke quickly in a flustered tone

'Mhm... yes you are my love...' I whispered to her before bringing my lips to her neck placing light kisses along her collar bone

Before she could say anything back I bit down softly on her neck, bound to leave a mark.

As I did so, a soft groan came from above me, and I looked up smirking

I saw y/n with her hand over her mouth, clearly annoyed with herself

I laughed softly before removing her hand from her mouth, leaving her in a shy mess.

'Nervous much...' I smirked down on her, shuffling up the bed so I was slightly above her

She crossed her arms, as a blush formed all over her face, before she grabbed my head and pulled me closer to her

'Shut up...' she whispered as she placed her lips on mine, her hands either side of my face.

I used this opportunity to go back into my original position, on top of her slightly above her, my hand slowly going up her thigh.

As our make out gradually became more and more passionate, the kisses we exchanged become hungrier and hungrier.

It was as if we were always longing for more if each other

As we continued, my hand made itself to her shirt, going to unbutton it.

Before I did so, I looked up to her again, to ask her permission, which she granted my nodding at me.

As I started to unbutton her shirt I kissed her softly and slowly.


But before I could continue to do anything, both if our heads turned towards the door, as it made a Loud creaking noise

As we poked back to eachother in realisation, we had realised.

Someone had seen us.

Before anyone could say anything, someone slipped though the crack in the door, their eyes covered by their hand

'Not Looking...not looking' it was Mirabel, she spoke loudly she we could hear her

I looked towards y/n to see her reaction to this, which was the complete opposite of mine.

She watched has her best friend wondered through the door clumsily, her eyes covered, as y/n giggled at her.

Whereas is was pissed, here I was about to finally take a step forward with the love of my life, and here Mirabel was ruining it.


As mirabel came through the room, she tripped on a book that was laid in the floor

'Not Looking...I'm not looking guys don't wo OH-!'

As she fell to the floor y/n went to her side, helping her back up

'Mira! Are you okay!' Y/n asked her as Mirabel laughed

'Yup! Sure am I'm just glad I didn't have to witness...that' she spoke pointing to me as y/n blushed again

'S-so what are you doing here Mirabel' y/n asked her, trying to change the subject

'You won't believe it! I know how to save the Miracle! But I need your help, please can you come with me...!'

'Of course!'


I spoke over y/n as the two girls looked over to me going towards them

'Camilo...' mirabel began to speak to me but I ignored her, wrapping an arm around y/n's waist

'I should have stopped you last time Mirabel! Your hurting y/n! And I will not let you hurt her again!'

Before I could go on however y/n stopped me facing towards me

'Cami...I'll be fine...I promise and. If I'm not I'm sure you'll be here to nurse me back to health again' she spoke, running her hands though my hair to confort me

I sighed as I kissed her nose

'Okay mi vida..but if you get hurt...'

'Thank you Camilo...I promise I'll make it up to you' she kissed me on my cheek as she went with Mirabel out of my room

I watched them leave as I flipped down on my bed, smiling to myself about what had just happened, slipping into a daydream about y/n.

But little did Camilo know that the decision he just made

Would make a drastic change in our story

A turn for the worse


My darling , my love (Camilo madrigal x reader)Where stories live. Discover now