19 ~ for the first time, again

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{they make out.he is 15. That is okay!.}


As I heard my Abuela call me name I knew it was bad news, she wouldn't dare say something 'positive' at a time like this.

'I have set camilo up with a girl from the village,they will be married in two years' as the words came out of her mouth I turned to y/n

She had started to cry, looking down at her feet avoiding any eye contact with anyone.

An explosive anger rose in me, Ive Never felt so annoyed,angry one overall upset with a person before, especially my Abuela or anyone in my family

I suddenly stood up in my chair causing everyone's eyes to drift my way.

'I'm sorry Abuela but I do believe I have lost my appetite'

I looked her way with a smirking face,half of me feeling livid,the other finding joy in her anger


'No please stay seated! Me and my girlfriend need to go and see someone sane!'

I saw my papa and mama looking at me with a smirk, and it only just hit me what I had said.

But I didn't care anymore, y/n was the one to make me happy, not some random girl I don't know.

Y/n was the one I wanted to marry-

Did I really just think that?!

Yes.yes I did.

Y/n was the one I want to marry, and one day I will marry her, that was a promise I made to myself mentally.

I looked back to Abuela with a smirk As I slammed my fist on the table

'It's the jaguar'

I pushed my chair back into the table as I pulled y/n's out, she looked so overwhelmed.

'Come on mi amor, let's go' I whispered gently to her as she got out of her seat.

As I pulled her out of the dining room,up the stairs and into my own, I gently shut the door behind us.

I looked down at y/n's face as I slowly and softly swayed us side to side.

I wiped the tears off her cheeks as she poked up to me, her gorgeous eyes looking into mine.

'I'm so so sorry for what happened out there'

She put her hands in my hair, softly fiddling with one of my curls in her hand

'Is there anything that I can do?'

'I think there's something you can do' she looked back at my smirking

'Anything for you mí vída'

There was a silence as she smirked to herself, removing her hands from my hair and stepping backwards,

She came back forwards towards me and whispered in my ear

'Kiss me'

I looked to her in shock as I turned 50 shades of red, suddenly transforming into her and myself multiple times.

As I tried to form a Sentence to tell her my answer she laughed softly

'Well...if you really don't want to I guess-' she started to walk away from me.

As she took her first step in grabbed her hand in mine,I pulled her towards me

I cupped her face in my hands as I rubbed my thumbs on her cheeks for a split second,before kissing her in her lips.

There was a sensation in my stomach that I could only use one word for, pure and infinite love.

It was the greatest feeling I had ever felt before, it was just like seeing her, for the first time again.

And I would never ever let her go.


As Camilo kissed me my hands rose into his hair and his hands went to my waist.

It was the same as when we were dancing, only we weren't really dancing this time.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands traveled down my waist.

He tapped my thigh,signalling me to jump which I did, not breaking our kiss once.

As he made his way to the bed with me, we broke apart to breathe.

'Your so beautiful,AY-' he couldn't finish his sentence before he tripped over the bed,dropping me on to it.

I started to giggle at him, putting my hands over me mouth trying to stop myself.

'Oh you think that's funny do you...'

Camilo looked at me with a smirk, jumping onto the bed with me climbing on top of me slowly

Before he continued he looked at me tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

he turned to look into my eyes asking for my consent,which I gave him nodding.

He took my face in his hands and began to kiss me,slowly turning I to making out with me.

My hands went into his hair as we continued, I simply melted into the kiss forgetting all about the outside world.

As we broke apart again for air he smirked at me, kissing my lips quickly and then looking back at me

I felt my cheeks going hot again as he laughed and took my hands in his,leaning in again.

'Oh. My. God.'



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My darling , my love (Camilo madrigal x reader)Where stories live. Discover now