17 ~ stay away

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'We need to talk'

A voice came from the corner of the room

A light was turned on the figure leaned toward placing their hands on their knees.

'Alma?' I whispered

'You need to stay away from Camilo y/n.' She told me bluntly, getting up from her seat

'What?! Why would I need to do that'

'Look, there are many things wrong with you that I don't have time to explain... but I do believe you are the reason my son left us...' she said gradually getting closer to me

'What?! You mean...Bruno?' I questioned her


'I was five.'

'It doesn't matter Child!' Alma spat at me

'You will stay away from my grandson, he deserves someone better than some girl who cannot control her gift'


Mine and Alma's faces shot towards the door

We both saw Mirabel enter

'Why would you do that?! Y/n and Camilo are perfect for eachother! They live for eachother why can't you see that-'

'I can control my gift I assure you Abuela...it's just the cracks-'

'That.is.enough. The casita started to break when you arrived here. Everything started to go wrong as soon as you arrived here.'

'You will leave Camilo alone before something worse happens to OUR home!' She whisper shouted at me gradually getting close to to my face

'Is that understood'

'...yes seniora Alma' I looked Back down at my feet playing with the flower in my palm

'And give me that!' She spat as she snatched the flower from my hands and storming out of the room

I don't know how that had happened, why had Alma changed her tone so suddenly, what had I done wrong?

Something she said had just hit me

She had brought up Bruno

If Bruno had, had a vision about me...then it must be in his room!

I could find it and figure out what I am doing wrong! What's happening to me?!

I rushed towards my bed and lay out my clothes for the morning

Tomorrow I would help save the miracle

Tomorrow I would fix what I was doing wrong

As I was about to doze off it had it me, I would have to do all of this without Camilo...

This was not going to be easy.

I looked at mirabel smiling,thanking her for what she had done, as we went to bed

As the morning rose I grabbed me clothes at put them on in a rush, slipping my Shoes on and rushing out the room.

I looked around trying to find my bracelet, I would usually wear it to contain my power, maybe that's why I had been getting these random shoots of pain

And why my hair is turning white

I just couldn't find the bracelet... yeah...that's it


As I made my way passed several doors, I was about to knock, stopped and paused too see what I was doing.

This was Camilo's door...of course it was!

Get a grip y/n! It's okay...you'll get to see him.

As I made my way back to my shared room as i saw Mirabel heading towards me

'Cmon we need to talk!'

'Actually I need to talk to you first!'

'We need to go to Bruno's tower' we both spoke at the same time

'Well that was moderately easy' I said as I smiled at her.

'Hey have you seen the bracelet' I asked her hoping that she knew the answer to were it was

'No...why is everything okay with your powers'

'No...if I don't find the bracelet soon enough...'

'What? Is something going to happen to you?!'

'I can't tell you now...people can hear us'

We made our way past everyone's doors which as easy, as they were all busy doing their chores

Mirabel grunted as she opened the door, as she did we were faced with the doorframe of an hourglass with sand falling from it

'Casita...' Mirabel questioned as she put her hand into the sand

'Can you...turn off the sand?' She said

The sound of tiles clanking together was heard as the house showed it could not go any further

'We'll be Fine'

I Heard her mumbling to herself about needing to do this for other people...

I liked done at me feet breathing heavily trying to hype myself up


Mirabel looked at me before placing a hand on my shoulder

'You don't have to do this...'

'Yes I do...'

'You don't know what's back there, and it's okay to be afraid'

'Afraid' I looked at her smirking

'I know that look'

'Really now?' I said challenging her

'Yup' she said crossing her arms

'Well...would an afraid person do THIS -'

I said backing up into the sand... waiting to step onto the ground beneath me.


As I fell, I lay next to a rock in the sand, as I saw it, I Did a double take making sure I had seen what a saw

My face reflects of the surface of the stone.

But it didn't reflect my exact image

Instead i was ice, my hair fully white and my body still.

As soon as I saw it it stopped, suddenly I felt an icy shock go through my hands.

As I peered down at them, I could see delicate snowflakes and spirals inprinted in them,like frost.

Something bad is happening...

And it's happening fast



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