56 ~ creep. Weirdo.

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Day - 1


Before I feel asleep I could recall it.

The feeling of the tense atmosphere, the fear around me that something or somehow as going to break

They were all holding their breath, their backs straightened as they looked to me, quickly avoiding any contact

I knew that there was something wrong, something going on with the Madrigals...I just couldn't lay my finger on it.

They all had, or were keeping something from me.

I didn't understand what it was or why, but it was something big

They had also introduced me to they new boy, Camilo supposedly he was Seniroa Pepa's son, but I had never met him before

He was crying when he saw me or looked as if he had been, his eyes were red and water gathered in his eyelashes clinging some of them together

Although we had only managed to make eye contact for a few seconds, I had managed to pick up some distinctive features of his face.

He had sun-tanned brown hair, which could and wound into tight curls which framed his face nicely.

He doesn't appear to have styled it, but it suited him perfectly.

He had faint freckles dotted on the bridge of his nose, slowly fading into his cheeks, where a light rosy blush dusted onto his nose.

However, even though I could not see his smile, his lips where enchanting, as if they pulled you in at any chance they got

When he pulled me to the side, there was no aggression or spite, he was gentle and soft with his movements, even in his state of anger and clear despair he never failed to be kind

And that's what kept him in my memory

That night I dreamed of the new Madrigal boy his face carving itself into my mind and staying there.

  Little did I know...that this would be the first dream of many, based around the Madrigal twin.

Well at least one of them.


As y/n slept peacefully, the room around her stirred quietly, as  the dainty snowflakes which decorated her room suddenly dropped.

Around the room, there was silence until a glow grumble was heard from underneath the floor

A faint cracking could be heard from the corner of the room, where the floorboards had unexpectedly spilt

Through the cracks, small but sharp ice spurts were making themselves seen, each one sharper than the last.

As the cracks and shards expanded the girl on the bed still slept, but what she didn't know is that patches of her hair were slowly turning into a ghostly pale white.

This time, they hid themselves as to not be seen by their owner

Things were bad

And they were only going to get worse.

After a very tense breakfast, Mirabel and Isabella had offered to take me into the village

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