9~ Casita? Cracking?

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I heard a voice rushing in and pushing through the crowd.


Mirabel suddenly appeared from the crowd out of breath and in shock

I went over to her to make sure that she was okay

'Mirabel? Are you okay...' I put my hands on hers

'oh y/n...there were cracks everywhere and everything was shaking'

She paused for a second and then looked at her Abuela...

'And the candle almost went out' she said

Small Gasps and whispers were heard around the room, creaky people seemed concerned... but there were clear whispers amongst some of the adults.

They were talking about how hard this must be for Mirabel and some even went too far to say that she shouldn't even be in their family.

I may have not known Mirabel for long...but I know she would never ruin this night for Antonio.

Abuela sighed and wrapped her shawl around herself tighter.

'Show me' she said while looking around the room with a re-assuring smile to everyone.

As more and more people filled out of Antonio's room into the main entrance... I was surprised at what I saw.

No cracks
Candle still in place
Nothing suspicious

But something did catch my eye...I could see several rats gathering up different pieces of a tile? It looked identical to the ones on the roof just in pieces.

'What-what no there where' Mirabel stumbled out breathlessly... adjusting her glasses

'They were everywhere and....'

'Abuela I promise' Mirabel said facing her grandmother

it went silent for a moment...the entire village questioning what Alma would say next.

She just looked at Mirabel in disappointment
As did the rest of her family.

'That's enou-'

'I believe her!' I said loudly... my voice ringing throughout the room.

All heads had turned to me as I made my way to Mirabel.

I looked her up and down to check for any injuries and saw a thin cut running along the palm of her hand.

'Yeah! See' I said as I held out her had for Alma to

'If she was lying then why is her hand cut!' I said enthusiastically, trying to get the crowd to realise.

I looked around to see everyone's reaction some were happy and others were sad, as I was scanning through the crowd I saw a bright smile....one which is was highly fond of.

He gave me the courage to speak up again as he nodded his head at me.

'You see! And...'

'That's enough' Alma told us harshly

She looked at us threateningly as I was about to speak again.

'There is nothing wrong with la Casa Madrigal!' She spoke turning to the guests.

'The magic is strong and so are the drinks' she said while smirking and directing at me and Mirabel.

Wait? Was she seriously saying that we're drunk right now?!

'Please music music' she said clapping her hands this time

There was an upbeat tune playing from the corner of the room.

Senior Augustín was playing a piano that Luisa was holding up.

Soon after the majority of guests had gone back into Antonio's room, I saw Seniorã Julieta come down the stairs, glaring at her mother.

Julieta took Mirabel and I into the kitchen and started cooking for Mirabel's hand.

'I would never ruin Antonio's night! Is what you really think' Mirabel told her mother

'I think....that tonight was hard for you' her mother said turning to face her

Mirabel let out a sigh as her mama fixed up her hand, Julieta trying to help cheer mirabel up with compliments but that just made it worse

'I...I know what I saw' Mirabel's said sharply to her mother whilst crossing her arms

'Mirabel...my brother Bruno lost his way in this family...' Julieta started... The air becoming this when the name 'Bruno' was called

'....and I don't want the same for you' She finished.

I gasped slightly, we're they really going to kick Mirabel out of the family because of what she saw?!

'Get some sleep you two...you'll feel better In the morning' Julieta smiled softly while handing us the rest of the arepas.


As I laid in net I couldn't help but think about what Julieta said...what had happened to Mirabel.

Mirabel laid wide awake opposite me, clearly struggling to sleep as well.

As I was about to close my eyes I caught something out of the crack of the door.

Delores and Camilo whispering? About something.

'Please Delores just tell me what she thought, what shes thinking!!' Camilo seemed to be begging his sister about something

'If you want to know, just ask her yourself...mhm' she spoke quietly then gesturing to me

Suddenly mine and Camilo's eye made contact, and he shifted into multiple different people before smiling at me.

I panicked and slammed the door shut before pushing up against it on the other side.

Knock know knock

'Mi amor?'



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