40 ~ wear it in

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As Camilo smirked down at me, I felt my cheeks begin to heat up as he chuckled darkly

'You know I need to wear my new bed in...' he smirked as he kissed my hand

I became silent, surprised at what he had said, a light blush forming on my cheeks as he looked at me smiling.

'Don't go she on me now princessa~' he smirked as the nickname caused me to become a flustered and blushing mess

He kissed me on my nose lightly as I looked up at him, smiling softly, cheeks still Rosy

'Are you sure' he whispered down at me as his hands fell to my hips, swaying me side to side slightly

I looked back up to him, smiling as I brought his face closer to mine, my arms wrapped around his neck

As I kissed him, he began to kiss me back passionately, I smirked to myself at what I was about to do

I pulled away smirking as I looked back up to him, he looked to me confused

'Does that answer your question' I whispered as he shook his head, a smile forming on his face

'Seriously' he laughed softly as we both smiled at eachother.

He kissed me quickly on the lips before coming in again, hardly, passionately.

He tapped on my thigh signalling me to jump as his hands supported them. So I was now straddling his waist While he carried me

As he kissed me, he made his way to his bed with me in his arms.

He lowered me down gently as he sat himself down, finally now tripping himself over.

'How was it not falling this time' I asked him as a smirked

'Ha ha' he replied sarcastically as he kissed my lips

I frowned at the thought that I may have upset him, as my breathing became quicker as my heartbeat increased.

'Your not mad...are you?' I whispered as my hands found their way to his soft hair.

'At you...' he started before he liked my hand

'Never...your my best girl I could never even dream about it' he whispered as he kissed my cheek.

He always managed to calm me down, make sure I was stable and steady in any situation

He noticed me go silent and tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear

'Hey...what's wrong' he whispered, and this time I smirked to him, as my hands pushed at the back of his head, connecting his lips to mine.

He was surprised at what I had done, before realising and kissing me back instantly.

The more we went on the more passionate the kiss became, before Camilo slowing added his tongue

He pulled away as I flinched back from the sudden new feeling.

He looked to me concerned as he began to panic

'Are you okay? I'm so sorry! I got carried away a shouldn't have done that!' He began to place his hands in my cheeks as he checked my eyes trying to figure out if I was okay

'Hey...' I interrupted him by kissing his lips softly

'I loved it...' I smirked back at him as I bit my lip, he looked back to me with a smirk on his face

He smashed his lips into mine again, kissing me passionately his hand slowly finding itself on my leg, slowly moving up.

His hand sat on my thigh, fingertips dangerously close to the bottom of my hip.

He bangs to mindlessly trace meaningless shapes on my thigh, bringing me a sense of comfort as his lips pulled away from mine for air.

As we both began to pant, his lips found themselves on my neck, he began to bring them closer and closer to my sweet spot.

He bit down gently when he found it, causing me to let out a groan of pleasure, quickly covering my mouth after

'Don't do that...It's hot my love...' he spoke as he removed my hand from my mouth leaving me in a trance

As he continued, he stayed on the same spot, as if to tease me for the noise I had made earlier.

As I looked down suddenly to see what he was doing, my eyes widened at the bruise that had started to form

'Camilo...' I began in a warning tone

'What mi Amor...oh no..' he stopped as he had seen what he had done

'Oops...' he smiled awkwardly with his teeth as he looked up to see my deadpan expression.

'Don't worry Amor...I'll go gar one of my tia's arepas that'll clear it up' He kissed me softly as he got off the bed quickly, excited ti get back


I rushed out of the room and down the stairs as quickly as possible, making sure to get back to y/n quickly.

Of course I knew why at I was doing, I just wanted to see how she would look.

Even more beautiful than usual.

Was it possible for this girl to get any better?

As I made my way into the kitchen, I spotted a pile of arepas ready for my Tia's chore tomorrow, I trapped one from the top as I smiled to myself.

'Camilo....what are you doing?'




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My darling , my love (Camilo madrigal x reader)Where stories live. Discover now