53 ~ all for love

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'Oh I'm taking it all for us
Oh I'm taking it all for us
Oh...I'm doing it all for love


We all stood dumbfounded, looking to Abuela with confusion

Erase my memories...how would she even do that?!

And on the other hand..why?!

My eyes darted around the room as I tried to look in another direction, but only feeling other peoples eyes on me

I looked down to my hands as I held them infront of my face

They were shaking, little frosty snowflakes forming at the tops of them.

My breathing became faster as the seriousness of the situation hit me.

Abuela was willing to risk my memory for a bet, a game, a wager.

I wouldn't be the same person, I wouldn't remember Camilo or anything we've been through the good or the bad

As my hands shook more vigorously, I began to back away from Abuela Carlos and Camilo slowly heading towards the door

I focused on my breathing as my vison became blurry and my breaths stacked

In ...two...three...four

I looked around the room in a panic, trying to find an object to focus on, but anywhere I looked I could feel a pair of eyes burning into me

I could feel the tears building themselves up in my eyes, collecting in my eyelashes as I tried to blink them away

Is I tried to feel for the wall behind me, trying to escape from the situation Abuela addressed me



As I heard my name, a weighted sensation hit my heart

I looked up slowly, to see the stern look on Abuela's face

She looked cold, as if there were no emotions behind her eyes.

But if I could look closer, I could almost sense a feeling of joy behind those eyes, as if this had been her master plan after all

She had wanted to get rid of me from the start, and that's what she planned to do even if she had to pressure me into it

She would get her way, and she'd do whatever she wanted to get it

She had already placed her bet on Carlos, seeing him as the more statistical option but also the one that benefited her the most

If he wins then I'd have to leave...finally she'd be able to get what  she had always dreamed off 

But there were two more sides to the story

Camilo looked to me with pure fear, sadness and anger.

He'd realised that no matter how hard he would have to try, his Abuela could never accept me

Meaning that one way or another id have to leave

Tears had already faintly made their way down his cheeks, shining in the moonlight which leake DM through the crack in the door

He didn't want to let go, we had just had a break though, something good coming from a bad situation

Finally some light coming through the dark

But Camilo was calling out for a echo

No matter how hard anyone in the family could try, Abuela as the head of the group she had the final say

My darling , my love (Camilo madrigal x reader)Where stories live. Discover now