3- mornings

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I sat along the river bead as the moonlight  glistened In the night...

'Long time no see mí Vida' a voice spoke breaking the silence

'Oh! Camilo ....how are you...w-what are you doing here I'm usually here alone' I looked towards him

'Well I can't leave you alone in the dark my love....it's not very gentle-manly ' he smiled at me before joining me sitting at the river

We sat in silence for a few moments...peace washing over us

Until I had the feeling of someone watching me

I slowly turned to my right to see Camilo's eyes slowly looking up and down my face...he seemed to notice that i had seen him but didn't seem to care

We stayed like that, just admiring eachother silently taking in each other's features

'Y'know I know we've only known eachother for a day but...I don't know...I feel as if I've known you forever' he spoke softly before making eye contact with me

'Surprisingly...I really do think I know what you mean'  I said almost breathlessly

And just like that...Camilo started to lean in slowly
Making eye contact once again to ask my permission...I nodded quickly and began leaning in

Closing my eyes....Waiting for contact

Y/n! ....Y/N....

I gasped suddenly as cold water was all over my face

'What- what the hell?!' I touched my face slightly pinching at my skin to see if I was really awake

Damn... must've been a dream

'Sorry  about that y/n but it's breakfast now! And I don't think that you'd want to miss it! And I'd be quick because Camilo always hogs the food' Mirabel spoke to me in a kind tone

I looked at her white a look of disbelief that she had actually threw water onto me.

'Oh yes!' She said before reaching for someone outside of the room

'Here take this I'll meet you outside in five' she handed me a towel and closed the door

I sat up in shock over what had just happened in the past two minutes...

Well better get read for breakfast. I told myself before slipping on my dress after wiping of my face and heading down the stairs.

Only to bump into the one person I did not want to see.

'Well hóla mí amoré how are you today' he said whilst smirking at me

'Ummm....I'm - i -y'know...hungry?' That last section felt like a bit of a question

'Aww mí vída there's no need to be shy around me...'
Camilo said while getting closer to me

'AY MIJO STIP MAKING OUR GUEST UNCOMFORTABLE' Pepa said whilst a could formed above her head

'Oh it's not problem señiora Pepa really' I said to her calmly while making my way down to her.

'Yes mami see, it's all okay...now If you don't mind I think we were in the middle of some-'

Camilo didn't have the chance to finish his sentence before I had left with his mami Pepa but before I did I ran up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek before going to catch up with Pepa again


'Yes mami see, it's all okay... now if you don't mind I think that we were in the middle of some-'

Before I could finish my sentence she was gone with my mami before she quickly came back in and


She quickly came in and kissed me in my cheek before winking at me and going outside for breakfast...

I'm hopelessly in love with this girl

Aren't I?

Aren't I?

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