chapter 1.

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warning: this book has triggering themes regarding mental health (like all my books 😭💀🙁) please read w caution


Shit. Exhausted gasps of air left chapped lips, a weak body rushing around the rather messy place. Russet eyes searched for something, flickering between varies objects in the living room only to land in the same place again and again.

"If you keep crying like that, I won't be able to find it at all," Series of curse words followed after and grunts began to leave the boy who used his entire body to pull back a couch, "Shit," he breathed out, scrunching his face up due to the amount of strength he was using.

"You can't swear in front of Minjoon, he's at the age of remembering stuff like that," A girl with ash brown hair stood with her arms sassily crossed, disappointment painted over her babyish features whilst watching her brother.

"Fuck finally, I found it," Taehyung stood up straight holding a red toy truck in his dainty hands, fingers scraping against the edges to wipe away the dust. He slowly turned towards the two with a massive smile on his face, "There, now you two can go to school without all the crying," he hurried over to his little brother, kneeling down to wipe his tears.

"Tae, I have a question-"

"Don't care, didn't ask, now hurry up and go to school make sure you don't ditch him like last time," Taehyung glared at the girl who huffed and rolled her eyes. Even then she gently took the toddlers hand and began to lead him out the door with the brunette running behind them.

"Wait for me after school!" Taehyung yelled lastly before hurrying off to his own path. Curse words only continued to leave him knowing that he was going to be late, luckily it was just a study period which he used as a period to catch up on sleep in.

Once he finally arrived, he found that his usual seat was taken. Where his head would normally rest was now replaced with someone's ass. Jeongguk's ass.

God did Taehyung hate the raven haired boy. Seeing him smirking with that lip piercing of his made him want to tear it out, and then do the same to the eyebrow piercing that rested above eyes which stared at him judgementally.

He didn't say anything, he knew doing something other than just gripping onto his backpack straps harder and hurry pass with his face ducked down would be no good. It made him feel like some corny nerd that was some loser in a cliché teen movie, but he didn't care as long as he didn't have to deal with some stupid argument.

Taehyung was far too exhausted for that. The moment his body sat down on a chair, his head hit the desk with a gentle thud and he was out like a light.

What a fucking weirdo sleeping every lesson. Does he not care about his grades or what? Jeongguk silently judged the boy in the back, face scrunched up in disgust. He completely ignored the classmates he was talking to earlier, it's not like he knew them anyway.

Taehyung was the only person he remembered the name of in his class because he just hated him so much. He always had.

Since he had started his first year a hatred had formed for the boy always seemed to be frantic and careless. Jeongguk despised lazy people that did nothing about it, and Taehyung was just that.

Always sleeping in lessons, arguing back shamelessly, having one friend that didn't even hang out with him, never completing assignments, overly clumsy and some days extra restless.

To Jeongguk, he was the definition of a failure and loser.

"Yesterday I saw him talking to himself by the primary school down the road," A girl snickered staring back at the boy with disgust.

"If you quiet down you'll hear him talking to himself in his sleep right now," Jeongguk scoffed and shook his head when that's exactly what happened. It was inaudible, but whispers were spilling out of the boy ever so quietly.

"Freak," A boy laughed with group who judgementally stared at him, pointing whenever he'd jolt in his sleep.

Jeongguk teared his feline eyes away eventually, face still knitted together from both annoyance and distaste.

What an actual weirdo.

hate his character already 🙄

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