chapter 12.

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Jeongguk got out of the place as early as possible. He had to go home to change and shower then get to class in time, so he left without letting anyone know.

Taehyung knew though, the boy was awake around the same time and even walked past him at one point when he want to check up on his dad. The two didn't speak or even look at each other.

Taehyung went straight to his fathers room, standing at the edge of the bed whilst the man slept peacefully on the bed. He didn't know what to do, a part of him wanted to hold a knife over his chest and the other wanted to lay on his chest.

He did neither, he took a step back and headed back to the room to sleep again with tears
in his eyes.

Jeongguk didn't expect Taehyung to come into school, he didn't care either. He sat down with his group of friends in the canteen and got on with eating some snacks.

"You didn't reply to the group chat all day yesterday and Saturday," Namjoon pointed out making Jeongguk freeze and clear his throat.

"Was busy, what was happening anyway?" He took a bite out of his apple and glanced at Jimin who had been shoving food in his mouth with a rather angry face, "What's wrong with blowjob boy?" He pointed out and jumped when Jimin
suddenly slammed his fists against the table.

Hoseok let out a laugh, sitting with Taehyung in his apartment whilst the boy explained how he had slipped down the stairs  — leaving out Jeongguk of course.

"It does look pretty bad, surprised you didn't crack it open," He tapped the bandage gently and purposefully flicked Taehyung's nose when he pulled his hand back.

"They said I'll just get headaches, their main concern is my vision but it's so far fine," Taehyung tiredly leaned against Hoseok's couch, "What's up with you? You look awfully happy," he motioned his finger in circle around the latter a bright face.

"You remember that blowjob boy Jimin?" The side of his lip lifted into a smirk as Taehyung nodded, "I was in the bathroom again-"

"Another blowjob?" Taehyung's face scrunched up in disgust.

"No! I was just washing my hands and he walks in, he kept staring and glaring at me so I said if he wants a blowjob it's a fiver-"Before Hoseok could finish he burst into laughter which made Taehyung slowly start too, "And he pulled his hand out his pocket to hit me but a fiver was stuck to his hand," he snickers.

Taehyung laughs with him, "Why the fuck was it stuck to his hand?!"

"He said it was from glue since he had art whilst he was all red and stuttering, so cute," Hoseok shakes his head and sighs.

"Do you like him?"


"Oh shit," Taehyung sings and pokes Hoseok who whines and laughs.

"What about you? Have you had the time to get a crush yet?"

"Nah," Taehyung sighs and decided to change the topic, "I have an assignment in film to do with Jeongguk, we have to watch a movie and write an essay on it together but I can't bring myself to ask him,"

"Oh yeah I remember you telling me that, call him now and ask," Hoseok encouraged him, "I'll have a go at him if he says anything,"

"Let's do it later, dads gonna be home for a bit so I can hang out more," Taehyung shook his head not wanting to have another day of speaking to Jeongguk. He was finally free and he was going to enjoy to his fullest.

However, he couldn't. As he smashed the controller keys out of excitement his mind kept wondering back to Jeongguk. How he held him when he had fell, how he was on top of him the night before and most importantly how they literally kissed.

Stop thinking about that weirdo. Jeongguk sat in his class and shook his head to himself. He dug his teeth into his pencil whilst watching the teacher unpack her things for the lesson.

"Is the little freak not in cus I hit his nose?" A classmate friend of his spoke catching his attention.

"No, he hit his head really bad so he's got to stay home," Jeongguk surprisingly defended him, turning his head towards Jinyoung who just nods
and side eyes his friends who do the same.

"I bet it wasn't even that bad, he's so fucking dramatic like that one time I bumped into him," Woonsik laughed nudging his friends who began to nod and state all the other annoying things.

"Fuck aren't you his partner for the assignment? I feel bad you're gonna have to spend time with him,"

"Yeah I know, he's so annoying," Jeongguk huffed taking out his phone to text the same boy. He had completely forgotten about the assignment until now, so he decided to ask him.

Can he even study with an injury? I mean it's just watching a movie and it's not like he cracked his skull open. Jeongguk stared at the last text he had received from Taehyung until he began to type again.

we need to watch the movie for the assignment
can u come today to mine or tmr

annoying ugly fuckface
what time tomorrow?

Taehyung unlocked the door whilst waiting for a reply from Jeongguk. When he didn't get it, he switched his phone off and looked around the empty mansion.

"You're home! Why on earth did you go out? You're meant to be in bed rest with that injury," His father popped out from nowhere making him jump and grasp onto his chest.

"I can go out if I want to, stop pretending that you care," Taehyung bitterly spat pushed past the man who sighed and gently held his wrist. Taehyung didn't turn around though, keeping his eyes ahead of him.

"I'm sorry, I know it doesn't seem like I care because of stuff I did-"

"Stuff you do."

"Tae, I was drunk. I accidentally pushed you out of anger and-"

"How many times have you done these accidents?" Taehyung's voice cracked as he stared ahead with tears swelling in his eyes, "Exactly," he shakily let out and pulled his hand away.

"Just stay home please, for your own health."

"Yeah fine whatever, just don't come near me," He began making his way upstairs, wiping his face with the palm of his hands. As soon as the door shut he took out his phone once again.

I can't go out cus of the injury
can you come to mine tmr after school

Jeongguk read the message only to not reply. It annoyed Taehyung that he took so long to reply.

I guess that's a yes.

Gonna write the taekook version of what Jihope have going on 😍

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