chapter 20.

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Jeongguk placed down his pen and let out a loud yawn, stretching his arms over his head. His digital clock on his desk displayed 2 am, and he was not tired at all — just bored and trying to distract himself. His eyes kept wandering over to the washed and folded clothes belonged to Taehyung.

He wondered if Taehyung was okay and how he putting up with his dad. He wondered if Taehyung needed any help and if he should go over to check up on him. However, each thought was put a stop when he remembered what Taehyung had told him before storming off.

It made him frown at the idea of how Taehyung has been taking care of kids since he was child. He was meant to be taken care of and act like a child, but the boy got to do neither. Now that he had the chance to act his age, he refused the help and only continued to exhaust himself.

He must've had no chance to do anything like playing with toys and going out. Jeongguk stared at the book on his desk lost in deep thought. He only has one friend who's barely even in school- how does he even have fun and go out? Jeongguk began to get more and more shocked at the possible things Taehyung may have missed out on.

It also felt weird not being with the boy either, the two had been practically living together ever since the sleepover.

Do I miss him or did I just get used to him? Jeongguk asked himself and thought for a minute or two. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop worrying about the boy and kept asking himself what he was up to. Then he'd smile at the thought of him having to deal with Mina's attitude. It won't hurt to see him- just to check up on him. No other reason. Jeongguk stood up and silently prayed that Taehyung was awake at 2 am on a Friday night. Well Saturday morning.

"Don't fear! I am here!" Taehyung raised a dramatic fist in the air, sweating through the right spider man costume he was wearing. The outfit was from two years ago.

Mina stared at her brother bored and stood next to her other crying one, "He's 5, not stupid, that won't cheer him up," She rolled her eyes.

Taehyung groaned and pulled off his mask, "Min, you can't meet Spider-Man! He's not even real!" He waved his hands in the air out frustration, groaning even louder when Minjoons cries intensified.

"Can I please just tape his mouth shut?" Mina clasped her hands together and pleaded. Taehyung just shot her glare and began to unzip the costume he was wearing.

"Minjoon, it's 2 am please stop crying," Taehyung reached for his white top and placed it on. Then he paused when he noticed something was missing, "Who took my trousers? This isn't funny," he crossed his arms.

"Wasn't me," Mina raised her hand's defensively and did a twirl to show that she wasn't hiding anything. Taehyung just sighed and helplessly stood there.

It was beyond tiring. Minjoon was throwing a fit over a superhero on a random night, Mina was growing angrier every second and now he was standing in the cold with no trousers. He was already sick enough from having to wait for Jeongguk in the rain.

"If you stop crying I'll-" Taehyung stopped when the doorbell suddenly began to ring. It startled the three and Minjoon instantly shut up, "Who the fuck is here at this time?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh my God! I'll get the knife! You have no idea how much I've dreamt of this!" Mina excitedly squealed and ran to the kitchen whilst her younger brother followed Taehyung to the door.

Taehyung protectively pushed the toddler behind him and then unlocked the door with a slightly frightened expression. In a mere second his pretty features morph into surprise when he sees the last person he expected standing there.

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