Chapter 37.

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tw; self harm

Taehyung churned on his bed, clutching onto his stomach in his sleep. The nauseating feeling eventually caused him to wake up with teary eyes and heavy huffs of air escaping his chapped lips. With one arm still wrapped around his stomach, he pushed himself up and swallowed down a gag.

What the fuck did I do last night? He asked himself and managed to push himself up against his bed's headboard. After a few minutes of taking deep breaths he began to crawl out of bed and place a hand over his mouth to cover up the urge to throw up.

Alas he was hunched over the toilet, throwing up whatever was inside of him and letting out panicked breaths. What the fuck is happening to me?

Once he was finished throwing up, he flushed the toilet and proceeded to brush his teeth to get rid of the disgusting mess in his mouth. That's when he saw it.

"What the fuck-" He squinted in front a mirror and placed two fingers against a bruise on his neck. It didn't hurt though, and he noticed there were more trailing down to his collarbone.

No fucking way. His jaw dropped and toothpaste spilt down his chin when memories of making out with Jeongguk came back. Butterflies erupted all over his body and he could feel Jeongguk's hands gripping onto his all again.

Taehyung quickly rinsed his mouth and splashed his face with water to stop the burning of both embarrassment and shyness on his face. His feet carried him fast outside of his room and down his stairs to where he could hear Jeongguk lightly humming to himself and cooking.

His running came to a stop when his eyes landed on the bare back of Jeongguk's that had some scratch marks. He could only image what was at the front.

"Jeongguk?" Taehyung croaked out and felt his heart swell when a loving smile was plastered on Jeongguk's face the second he turned around.

"Morning," Jeongguk walked over and placed a cold hand against Taehyung's warm face, "So, how was your first hangover?" He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at the boy who stared at his hickey covered torso shamelessly.

"What-" Taehyung paused again when memories of drinking some next level juice came back, "I got drunk?!"

"Yeah, with Hoseok," Jeongguk let out a sigh, "I left for a minute to get Jimin and I came back to see him fighting J- someone and you upstairs drunk," He frowned hoping that Taehyung wasn't too upset at him for ditching.

"I-I can't believe I got drunk? I swore I would never-" Taehyung breathed out and felt disgust growing inside of him. He felt like he had been pushed into his fathers footsteps after years of walking in his own.

"Tae, you probably weren't aware it was in the juice you two were drinking," Jeongguk reassuringly caressed the boy's shoulder, "Do you not remember a single thing from that night?"

Taehyung felt his heart rate pick up again, "N-no," he squeaked.

Jeongguk didn't believe it. He must've remembered something after seeing the marks on his neck.

"Alright, well sit down and I'll cure your hangover like it never happened," Jeongguk ruffled the boys hair and earned a cute whine he wanted to hear on loop, "Oh yeah, Mina and Minjoon are already at school, the guy offered to drop them off to school,"

"Okay," Taehyung sat down uncomfortably and placed a hand around his churning stomach.

"Here," Jeongguk placed a cold mini bottle of banana milk in front of Taehyung who instantly began to pierce it with a straw. A brief flashback of when the two played spin the bottle played in his mind and he swallowed down the urge to kiss Taehyung again.

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