chapter 17.

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Jeongguk stared down at his bed with a towel wrapped around his waist. He had just a few minutes before he had to get to class but the feeling of numbness and fatigue kept him from hurrying up. He felt a sense of guilt after the scene just an hour ago.

One of the reasons he hated Taehyung was for having a perfect home life which he obviously realised was wrong. But, he didn't want to accept the fact he was wrong so fast after almost two years of hating the boy.

Sounds like then dumbass bully movies where they find out the kids being abused at home and turn all nice the next day. Jeongguk scoffed and picked up a black hoodie. Why should I be nice? None of it is my problem and where were the nice people when I was going through family issues? He rolled his tongue against his cheek and put his boxers on too.

Once he was fully dressed he rushed out of the door and groaned when he left his backpack behind. He grabbed it and continued jogging down his apartment stairs and refused to take a glance back at it. Who knows if it'll be his last? And that terrified him.

God I hate this world. Jeongguk plugged in his earphones and continued walking to school. It took around 20 minutes, longer than usual since he kept stopping in shops to buy himself food or cigarettes.

Once he got inside and hurriedly jogged over to his class, his eyes fell on to Taehyung for a split second and widened.

"Glad you could make it, Jeon," The teacher sarcastically responded without looking up from her laptop. Jeongguk walked over to his seat without sparing Taehyung another glance.

Why is he here? Shouldn't he still be resting that head injury?

The other thing that shocked him was how the bandage that was wrapped around his head was gone and there was a cake-y layer of concealer where his cut from yesterday was.

Jeongguk refused to look at him and began to unpack his bag, "Shit," he groaned quietly when he saw that his backpack was full of clothes rather than books and a pencil case, "Have you got a pen?" He asked the girl next to her who shook her head waving her only pencil.

"I have one," a boy whispered behind him making him turn around. Once again his eyes were on Taehyung.

Taehyung didn't look at him, he sat there copying down notes and answering a worksheet quietly.

"I told you it was all for attention, his bandage is gone and he hasn't even got a single bruise," The boy scoffed as he handed Jeongguk a blue pen.

"I write with black," Jeongguk ignored the statement with a blank face and waited for the boy to switch the colour of pen.

"Shit Jeongguk you missed out this morning," A girl scoffed and shuffled closer to the brunette who raised his eyebrow, "We were asking that freak where his bandage went to see if he was faking it and he told us 'up your ads' and to shut up,"

Jeongguk held back a laugh, "Really?"

"Yeah, he's lucky miss was in here or else I swear to fuck I would've killed him," A boy spoke with a clenched jaw, "He fucking annoys me so much, he never gets reported when he does some rude shit but the second we say something we're getting kicked out,"

"He hasn't done that many things, it is mainly us," Jeongguk sternly corrected the boy who rolled his eyes even though he knew that it was correct.

"Someone needs to teach him a lesson though, it's not fair he can be some useless lazy bitch and get away with it whilst we all have to deal with everything," The girl scowled and turned merely towards Taehyung, "I heard he's rich too, how's it fair he gets all the good stuff in life?"

"He's rich? No wonder he's such a brat, he gets everything,"

"That doesn't sound like asking for a pen to me," The teacher suddenly spoke up causing the four to shut up and turn around, "Jeongguk you've already missed twenty minutes of this lesson, this is your final year I expect you to do better."

"Sorry miss," Jeongguk mumbled and began to read the notes on the board too.

Taehyung jumped when the bell rang after thirty minutes. He stared down at the worksheet he had been scribbling nonsense on and let out a frustrated sigh.

He looked up whilst shutting his notebook and almost jumped when three glares were shot at him. Then he shifted his eyes onto Jeongguk who was packing up strangely slow.

"Taehyung, could you see me after school finishes? You're not in trouble," The teacher smiled at the boy who shyly nodded and watched her leave the class with the last student.

"Um," Jeongguk spoke up the second the door shut and walked over to Taehyung whilst slipping his backpack on, "Shouldn't you be staying at him resting your head? It's only been a few days-"

"I know. I've just missed out on too much school work," Taehyung began to pack faster and avoided the boy who towered over him.

"Where's your bandage gone?" Jeongguk struck a finger out towards his head.

"Don't need it," Taehyung lied and mentally cursed when he kept dropping his pens.

"You're wearing the wrong concealer shade."

Taehyung paused and rolled his tongue against his cheek, "Why the fuck do you care? Fuck off," he spat and stood up quickly.

He flinched and defensively raised his hands when Jeongguk suddenly reached out for his head. His heart genuinely stopped and a cold chill ran through his frozen body.

Jeongguk gently moved the boys hair back with his fingers, brushing it repeatedly until it was styled back and the bruise with medical tape was more visible. He kept a straight face and retreated his hand when he noticed the fear in Taehyung's eyes.

"You pissed off the three over there by answering back, so don't go near them if you don't want your ass beat," Jeongguk shoved his hands into his pocket and waited for the boy to continue packing, "You also need to treat that wound properly."

"What's it to you?" Taehyung sneered at the boy who tutted annoyed.

"Why the fuck do you always have to be so bitchy? I'm just trying to be nice because I feel bad I made you almost crack your skull open and also walked out when you were getting abu-"

"Shut up, Jeongguk. Don't ever talk about that again," Taehyung's tone deepened and he clenched his jaw tightly, "I don't need you to feel bad for me or help me, I've been dealing with it alone from the start and that's how I want it to stay," he continued roughly shoving things into his backpack and zipped it up.

"Is your dad gonna be home the next few days," Jeongguk asked and got no response, "I'm asking because we need to do that project."

"Yeah he is," Taehyung muttered and placed his backpack on.

"Wait for me after school then," he opened his mouth to speak more but Taehyung just hummed and left the classroom without a word. Jeongguk dropped his shoulders and sighed also deciding to leave too.

"Jeon, what took you so long?" Namjoon placed an arm around the boy who whined at the rough treatment, "What were you doing with Taehyung? I thought you hated him?"

"I was just talking about the project," Jeongguk replied and glanced at Jimin who also looked distressed, "What's wrong with blowjob boy?"

"I swear to God if you call-"

"He made out with Hoseok and is trying to convince himself that he doesn't actually like Hoseok," Namjoon answered laughing after the explanation.

"It's because I bet he's playing with me! Look, he's probably gotten many blowjobs since he confessed, I'm not gonna date him until he shows he actually likes me," Jimin sternly stated getting nods of approval from the two other boys.

"Anyways, I bought these new vodka flavours and I was wondering if you guys wanted to come and get drunk after school?" Namjoon pulled Jimin close to him too by placing an arm over his shoulder.

"Yeah sure," Jimin nodded and huffed.  Jeongguk nodded too.

"Meet me after school."

OMG 😏 so excited I might double update...

Taking a shit rn I think it landed wrong 😞

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