chapter 27.

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Jeongguk rubbed his hands together, two paper bags rustled together at the movement and hit his thigh when he walked. It was already pitch black outside and he glanced back at his apartment debating to just stay there until the morning. That was shut down when he remembered that he and Taehyung had a little quarrel before he left and if he really wanted to prove he was changing, he had to go back.

I shouldn't have said that to him. If he likes wearing it then he can. Jeongguk let out a quiet sighed, a cloud of his breath came out reminding him of how cold it was. Most of his clothes were now at Taehyung's house so visiting his apartment was useless.

I wonder if he's actually stopped paying for my rent. I need to apply for another job soon. Jeongguk wondered where he could possibly work that would support him for a long time, he didn't exactly want to go into university but most jobs required those kinds of qualifications. I've got experience for mechanics, I could start that type of business?

After a few minutes of coming up with possible solutions, he got closer to the mansion that was lit up. His eyes scanned for Taehyung's bedroom which was on the side, and he smiled when he saw the silhouette of the boy inside.

How do I say sorry to him? Jeongguk's smile fell and mind went blank. He knew the basics, but it didn't sound sincere enough. He wanted to reassure Taehyung that he had changed completely.

Another sighed left him and a dimple appeared on his cheek as he bit down on his bottom lip out of nervousness. He rang the doorbell after some quiet encouragement and felt his chest grow tight when the door unlocked. It sounded as if there was some type of struggle until it finally opened.

Instead of Taehyung, he was welcomed by Mina who was holding tape and Minjoon standing beside him with wrapping paper around his hips like a skirt.

Jeongguk let out a laugh and stepped inside, "What are you two doing?" He noticed the Christmas tree that had been put up and a few presents were under them.

"Wrapping Taes present! I made him a skirt too," She pointed at Minjoon who whined and tried to rip it off, "Take it off and I'll fucking kill you," She glared at the boy.

"You can't use that language, Mina," Jeongguk lightly scolded her knowing she wouldn't listen to him. He placed down the presents he had wrapped up at his apartment with the rest and noticed one of the others had his name, "Where's Tae?"

"Oh he's in his room," Mina sat back down on the floor where she had created a mess with wrapping paper, then she gasped, "I forgot to tell you this morning," she dropped the tape in her hand ran up to the boy who stopped in front of the stairs.

"What?" Jeongguk knelt down with a smile expecting something stupid.

"Our dad brought drinks yesterday at night when you and Tae weren't home," She whispered and frowned, "I think something happened, Tae's letting us do whatever which he never does," she mumbled.

Jeongguk felt a drop in his stomach. Shit shit shit! How can I- fuck I'm so fucking stupid fuck.

"It's bought, not brought- I'm sure he's fine, don't worry about it okay? He's letting you do whatever because it's Christmas tomorrow," Jeongguk didn't want the girl to panic or worry too much so he kept a calm expression and slowly stood up, "I'm gonna go say hi to him, go back to wrapping," he ruffled her hair and began to walk up the stairs. Taehyung's room was right next to them so he had no time to prepare himself.

Fuck I can't believe I'm so stupid.

Jeongguk slowly opened the door and peaked inside to see if the boy was busy. Instead his lips tugged down to a frown when he saw the boy sitting at his vanity and sniffling.

Taehyung harshly dragged the makeup remover wipes across his face, wiping his tears in the process that slid down a red mark on his cheek and stung at the corner of his lips. He dropped the wipe onto his desk and let out a sob as he lightly touched the bruise on his face.

A tight feeling grew in his chest and he sucked in air too fast. He squeezed his eyes shut and held onto the white top that he was wearing.

"Taehyung," Two hands suddenly held onto his shoulders making him flinch and open his eyes. He was met with the concerned ones of Jeongguk's that widened at the damage on his pretty face, "Shit-"

"You came back?" Taehyung sniffed and wiped his face roughly and put on a smile. He hadn't expected Jeongguk to come back after leaving, just as how his father would leave and not return after their arguments.

"Of course I did, how else would I say sorry for being such a bitch earlier," Jeongguk knelt down in front of the boy and resisted the urge to touch the bruises, "I didn't know you were using foundation to cover the bruises, I'm so sorry for walking out after being like that. And fuck I'm sorry for not being there to help you- the whole reason you're letting me stay is so protect you and I-I didn't even to do that,"

"It's fine, it's not like you can tell when he's gonna start drinking," Taehyung chuckled sadly, wiping the tear that fell.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry I didn't stop him or notice something was wrong," Jeongguk gently took Taehyung's hands and gave them a tight squeeze, "You shouldn't wear foundation when it happens, it'll infect the cuts too,"

"Okay," Taehyung nodded. He didn't want any apology from Jeongguk, he just wanted to be held tightly and comforted with silence rather than apologies that meant nothing to him. But, he was too shy to ask and decided to just appreciate the concern Jeongguk was giving him and holding his hand silently. Has he really changed?

"Daddy!" Minas voice shrieked downstairs making  Jeongguk's head shoot towards the door and stand up.

"Jeongguk stop!" Taehyung grabbed Jeongguk who attempted to pull away, "Just leave it! I don't wanna ruin anything for them today," he pleaded the boy who let out a shaky sigh and placed a hand on top of Taehyung's.

"You're just gonna pretend that it didn't happen? You can't let him stay here and get away with it," Jeongguk gently took his hand off and formed a tight fist, "What if he hurts the kids?"

"H-he won't, he only fights with me because I argue with him, I promise he won't hurt them so please don't go down there," Taehyung sobbed and held onto Jeongguk's biceps tightly, "Please don't leave me," he cried out and slowly placed his head against Jeongguk's chest.

Jeongguk wrapped his arms around the boy and closed his eyes, anger was rushing through his body but paused just for the crying boy in his arms.

"I don't want him here with you," Jeongguk mumbled and held the boy tighter.

"Neither do I," Taehyung hiccuped, "It's not fair he only hurts me, what do I do wrong?"

"Nothing Tae, you just stand up for yourself," Jeongguk rubbed the boys back softly and felt an unfamiliar pain at how Taehyung was crying. He turned his head towards the door where Minjoon came running in.

'Daddy's asking you want to come out to eat with us,' the boy signed and swayed on his feet whilst Taehyung gathered himself.

"No, you three can go," Taehyung gave him a reassuring smile and watched him run off again. His attention shifted back to Jeongguk who only kept his on him.

"If you're sure they be alone with him, come stay at my apartment with me," Jeongguk took Taehyung's hand who looked hesitant, "Just for today and tomorrow, I don't want you to celebrate Christmas with that grinch,"

Taehyung let out a short laugh, "I don't celebrate Christmas in the first place,"

"You should this year, and we'll come back in the afternoon to make sure they're okay," Jeongguk only continued to offer to Taehyung.

Taehyung was hesitant. He knew his father only ever got violent if someone challenged him, and the two kids knew that. But, he also knew that the man had a habit of ditching the kids to go out drinking unpredictably.

"Fine, but what if he ditches them alone?"

"We can come and check every hour, I just don't want you to be miserable here," Jeongguk almost reached out to cup the boys cheek but stopped himself.

"Alright, I'll come."

I remember when I asked my mum why she only beat me and then she started beating my brother too 💀 my bad

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