chapter 16.

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Jeongguk let out a frustrated sigh whilst using the guest bathroom for the fourth time since he had been to the stupid sleepover. Red eyes stared at the spare toothbrush which was now basically his personal one.

He hated Taehyung place, not just because it was Taehyung's but because it was so different to how he lived. The place was massive compared to his small minimalist apartment, it wasn't organised but it wasn't messy unlike his extremely neat and organised one. There were also kids which Jeongguk didn't exactly mind, but having to hear their constant noise irritated him. He was never allowed to be loud as a child so it wasn't ideal to hear it.

Reminiscing his rather dull childhood, his phone began to buzz on the bathroom counter which startled him a little. He picked up the phone after reading the caller ID for just a split second.

"Hello?" He placed the toothbrush in his mouth and began to brush.

"Jeon. You haven't called in weeks, have you forgotten about your dad?" A voice spoke in a stern tone.

"Yeah, what do you want?" Jeongguk rolled his eyes already even though the man hadn't said much.

"Don't talk to me like that. And I wanted to know about your grades, you start university soon and I want to make sure you're doing the best so you can make us proud and go to a prestigious university." The sound of a glass being put down could he heard which indicated the man may have been drinking whiskey. Jeongguk knew he was since when they used to live together the man would drink and ramble on some bullshit.

"Do you not want to know about how am? Or ask if mums called me? This is why I don't like calling you, you just ask me a bunch of dumb shit," Jeongguk spat — literally — and began to rinse his mouth after.

"Don't swear, you're lucky you're too old for soap. And I just want you to be perfect and to not fall to the lowest rank. It's a competitive world out there, you need to become something," his father cleared his throat and spoke with a clenched jaw.

"Perfect? Why don't you make something of yourself instead of making me what you want to be," Jeongguk stared at himself in the mirror annoyed and waited for some stupid reply that would throw him off edge.

"Excuse me? I don't expect you to talk to me like that when I'm the one paying for your apartment rent. Get a job and become a man then you're allowed to talk to me like one," Jeongguk felt his blood boil.

"Go on, stop paying for it. I'll live on the streets if I have to just so I don't turn out to be like a worthless bitch you are- no wonder mum divorced you," At that Jeongguk ended the call and dropped his phone onto the counter again.

He didn't give himself time to feel any emotion towards their argument and just began splashing water onto his face. He kept his cold hands there for a second before taking a deep breath in and slowly standing up again.

Staring at himself in the mirror made him feel so alone. What made him feel worse was the richness of Taehyung's home that reminded him of what he'd never get if he failed in life. It wasn't fair, he had to struggle with such a dad after everything he did and how could someone like Taehyung get the privilege?

Fuck he's so annoying. Just go home. Jeongguk took a deep breath in and stepped outside of the bathroom into his guest bedroom. He hadn't bought any clothes over since he wasn't expecting to stay over.

"Fuck," He sighed for no reason and began to walk towards the door. He came to an abrupt stop due to the sound of what sounded like someone breaking in and a whimper coming from downstairs faintly.

His first instinct was to rush to the kids which is what he did. He stopped at the crack of the door and peaked inside to see Mina frantically placing headphones on a frightened Minjoon then searching for some loud music for the boy.

He stepped away from the door and shut it before making his way to the stairs. What he expected to see was a burglar or something, instead it was just Taehyung and his father.

Taehyung stood stiff in front of the drunk man who groaned and stumbled about, "Get me another bottle," he demanded and held himself up weakly.

"There's no alcohol in the house," Taehyung replied with forced confidence. His head was held up high and back was straight, but his hands were shaking beside his thighs and so were his legs.

"What the fuck do you mean there's no alcohol in this house?" The man limps towards him, "How many times have I asked you for a bottle? Did you not get the hint to keep some?!" His voice began to get louder, spit hitting Taehyung's face who flinched and bravely wiped it off.

"You said you were trying to change," Taehyung felt his nose ache from holding his cries in. A strangled breath came out when the man suddenly fell forward and wrapped his arms around his frail body tightly.

Jeongguk watched the scene confused, rolling his eyes when he realised it was some cliche farther and son emotional scene.

"Yes I did, I know I know," The man whispered against the boys ear, caressing his thick hair gently, "But this is my last time, alright? Just one more," he pulled away with a fooling smile that Taehyung knew too well.

"No, there's none here. If you want to drink go outside and drink," Taehyung spat angrily and smacked away the hand that was placed on his shoulder tighter.

Jeongguk felt a wave of an indescribable emotion rush through him when a yelp left Taehyung, the rough punch from a hand sending him to the ground. He didn't expect that, or Mr. Kim to be that type of person.

"What makes you think you can speak to me like that? I'm your father," The man pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

Taehyung felt all the confidence leave him, his trembling hand held onto his stinging lip and eyes unleashed tears. He looked up through the tears and felt his heart drop when Jeongguk was stood there staring with wide eyes.

"Are you just gonna lay there like an idiot? Get up," Mr. Kim stepped closer to Taehyung who teared his gaze away from Jeongguk and fearfully to the drunk man.

Jeongguk felt his body itch to do something, to stop what was next. He could tell this wasn't going to end any time soon and well either, and it would be such a dickhead move to just stand there. But he didn't know what, he couldn't just storm down there or else he could end up on the floor with Taehyung.

His hands formed into fists when Taehyung let out a cry due his hair being gripped tightly and being yanked up.

"Stop!" Taehyung sobbed placing his slim hands around the man's rough arm, wincing every time he shook his head around as if he was some toy.

Jeongguk rushed down without thinking, the loud thumps of his footsteps stopped the scene before he could but the adrenaline from shock was still controlling him. Without thinking twice he grabbed the man by his collar and twisted him towards him to throw a punch against his red face.

Taehyung's eyes widened and reached out to stop the boy, only to be shoved away and left to watch Jeongguk roughly pull the man towards the door.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Mr. Kim yelled as he stumbled out of the door, tripping over his own feet and crashing onto the concrete floor.

"Go and find your beer," Jeongguk spat at him and then stepped back to slam the door shut behind him. There was just silence then, he could hear Taehyung's unstable breathing and his heart pounding against his chest.

Taehyung felt overwhelmed, he didn't expect someone to actually stand up for him. And he didn't expect the first time to be Jeongguk. But God wss he so thankful, he wanted to throw himself onto Jeongguk and sob out 'thank yous' but he couldn't.

Jeongguk stared at his bleeding lip and sighed, "I'm going to go back home, bye," he cringed at how cold he sounded but he didn't care, he turned on his heel not sparing Taehyung another glance and stepped out of the door.

Taehyung let tears fall down for a few seconds before quickly wiping them away and rushing upstairs to his two siblings. He wiped his stinging lip and put on a reassuring smile for the two.

But, there was something still worrying him and almost breaking the fake smile.

I hope he doesn't tell his friends.

Ugh why do they still hate each other can they fall in love already

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