chapter 30.

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Jeongguk sat against the soda whilst scrolling through his phone. He bit down on his lip and stared at the now empty bank account. He had just paid for his bills whilst Taehyung was playing with Minjoon's toys and Mina was asleep on the floor.

I'll apply to another job. Jeongguk began to type on his phone and quietly complain about the types of jobs that were being offered.

"No Min, you need to stack it first," Taehyung instructed the boy who picked up the massive Lego pieces he had received and began to build.

He merely glanced at Jeongguk before stopping and lifting his hands up. 'Do you like Jeongguk?'

Taehyung paused too and opened his mouth to reply, but he didn't want the mentioned boy to hear their conversation. 'What do you mean?'

'Would you be his wife?' The boy asked again.

Taehyung was confused as to why the boy was asking such a sudden question, 'Why?'

Minjoon let out a loud whine which made Jeongguk look up from his phone. 'Just answer the question!'

'I don't know? Maybe?! Why are you asking me?' Taehyung felt his ears glow red since Jeongguk was staring at them speaking cluelessly.

'Because I want you to be his wife!'

"Husband dumbass, I'd be his husband," Taehyung accidentally spoke. He mentally cursed at himself and turned to Jeongguk rolled his tongue against his cheek.

"Whose husband?" Jeongguk asked trying not to show the bitter tone in his voice. Before he could get a reply, the doorbell rang which made Mina shot up as if she hadn't been knocked out.

"Hoseok!" She screamed dashing towards the door at a concerning speed. She opened the tall white door and began to jump and squeal when the boy stood there with a wide smile.

"Mina!" Hoseok began to jump with her as he stepped inside. His jumping came to a stop when he spotted Jeongguk sitting on the couch, "What the fuck?!"

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung stood up and walked over to the boy who raised his hand to his chest offended.

"Can I not visit my best friend? What the fuck is he doing here?" He stuck a finger out at Jeongguk who grinned and gave a sassy wave.

"I told you, he's helping at home," Taehyung whispered quietly and grabbed Hoseok by the arm, "What do you want?" He dragged the boy towards the stairs.

"I came to give you your birthday present for tomorrow, I'm visit my parents for New Years so I won't be able to come and celebrate with you," Hoseok lifted up the bag on his hand and shook it to show that there was a present inside.

"You know I don't celebrate my birthday," Taehyung opened the door to his room and pushed Hoseok inside first. Once he was inside, he joined him too and slammed the door shut, "You won't believe what fucking happened!"

"What?" Hoseok sat down on Taehyung's bed comfortably and eagerly pulled his legs up, "Is it about Jeongguk? Did you forgive him? Did you two makeup?"

"No!" Taehyung paced around the room, "Basically, 4 days ago- on Christmas, something happened and he invited me to stay at his apartment-"


"No!" Taehyung groaned getting irritated that the boy kept making assumptions, "But basically, I was pretending to sleep because I didn't want to talk to him, and he started talking to me,"

"What fucking dumbass does that?" Hoseok snickered, "What did he say?" He raised his eyebrows when Taehyung got closer to him.

"He told me that he likes me- like in a crush way," Taehyung whispered. He nodded slowly whilst Hoseok began to gasp and raise his hand to his wide open mouth.

"No way? Then why the fuck was he bullying you before? Did his feelings not fucking work then?" Hoseok scoffed and was already disapproving of the other, "So has he actually changed or is he still pulling some massive prank on you?"

"I don't know, he also said sorry and it sounded really sincere," Taehyung shrugged, "Like he was listing things he was sorry about and how he understood why I won't forgive him- then he said he'll stop drinking alcohol for me,"

"Shit really?" Hoseok couldn't believe that this was the same Jeongguk from four months ago, "Has he made any moves?"

"Not really, I mean we've kissed-"


"Only twice! Relax!" Taehyung slapped a hand over the boys mouth, "First time was over spin the bottle, and the second time was because he kept asking me, a-and I kind of like kissing him," he shamefully admitted. He felt embarrassed to say that he liked it when he was meant to be hating Jeongguk.

Hoseok moved Taehyung's hand away from his mouth, "What? So do you like him back?"

"I don't know, he's been really nice the last few months- Mina and Minjoon love him, he even took me to his aunts place to eat during Christmas. I like kissing him and hanging out with him because he makes me feel like a normal teenage boy who has a stupid high school crush, but,"


"But I don't know if I can trust him. I still think about the stuff he said to me and I don't think he's genuine," Taehyung sat beside Hoseok who hummed and placed a comforting arm around his shoulder.

"You should just ask him," Hoseok suggested but the boy instantly disagreed.

"He doesn't know I was awake the entire time," Taehyung stressfully rubbed his face, "But if he wants me to believe him, he's going to have to do something big to convince me he's being for real,"

"Like what?" Hoseok asked whilst Taehyung silently thought.

Jeongguk impatiently pressed his ear against the door and nervously bit down on his bottom lip. He hoped that Taehyung's answer would be something easy, but even if it wasn't he was willing to go extreme lengths to prove he was genuine.

"I don't know," He could hear Taehyung's muffled voice on the other end. He let out a defeated sigh and made his way back downstairs to the kids who had managed to create a huge mess within ten minutes.

Mina had found a way to fight Minjoon's legs around her waist and was currently trying to run as fast as she could. "Look Jeongguk! I'm a bodybuilder!" She flipped her hair and ran around slowly whilst Minjoon slid around behind her.

"What's your brother's favourite place? I want to take him somewhere for his birthday," Jeongguk sat back down on the couch and the girl began to run towards him.

"Take him somewhere fun! Like a place that literally radiates fun energy and when you see it you think of fun," She dramatically waved her hands in the air and panted for air due to running too much.

"Fun?" Jeongguk bounced his leg as he thought of a place that mentioned fun, "Like a fun fair?"

"Yes! He's never been to one!" Mina gave the boy two thumbs up to show she approved and returned to running around the room.

"But who will stay with you two? Is your dad going to be home tomorrow too?" Jeongguk twisted his body to face the girl behind the couch.

"I can convince him," Mina grunted and fell onto the floor to catch up on her breath, "Mina you're so fucking fat, you should quit those coco pops,"

"Mina, don't talk to your brother like that," Jeongguk lightly scolded the girl who sat up and rolled her eyes.

"You dumb fucking motherfucker, dickhead bitch, cunt, shitface, be-"

"That's enough Mina," Jeongguk sternly glared at the girl who for once shut up.

She really is like Taehyung.

Gonna start working towards the end of the book now :')

Also slower updates cus school is starting and the next 4 months are really important to me as I have my finals coming up

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