chapter 3.

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"I've ran out of bullets!" A girl yelled holding a nerf gun in her small hands, leaning against a couch with another boy next to her. The little boy said nothing, chewing on a fake bullet for the nerf.

"Gotcha!" Another boy jumped in front of the two, holding a plastic sword in his hands. He laughed pretending to stab the two who faked dying.

"You always win! This is so unfair!" Mina whined standing up to cross her arms and pout, "And why do I always have to be his partner, he doesn't even talk," she stuck a finger at the toddler who stuck his tongue out at her.

Taehyung just grinned and placed the sword back in the box full of toys. He had spent hours cleaning the entire house and reorganising all the toys for his siblings, and now he was beyond exhausted.

His smile fell when the door suddenly rang which the other two instant ran to open.

"Daddy!" Mina announced making Taehyung hesitantly turn around to greet the man too.

Taehyung awkwardly rubbed his hands together, slowly walking over to the man who greeted his two children with kisses.

"I missed you two, go back to playing I need to talk to your brother," The man smiled at the two who excitedly walked away. Well aside from Minjoon who appeared nervous the entire time.

"Go," Taehyung reassuringly smiled at the boy who stared up at him with doe eyes as he walked past.

"Son," Mr. Kim cleared his throat whilst walking towards the boy who coldly stared at him, "I'm sorry about last week, I was drunk," the man started of and inched closer to the boy who was frozen on the spot, " your stomach okay?"

"I'm fine," Taehyung quietly replied keeping his head down.

"You know I appreciate how you take of them, right? I don't know where we'd be without you," He caressed the boys cheek and warmly smiled, "I promise I'll stay home longer, you should be doing stuff boys do your own age,"

I know. Taehyung clutched his hands into fists.

"Why don't you go out with your friends? I'll stay with them now, go and have some fun," He patted the boys shoulder who wasted no time rushing out the house and slamming the door behind him.

Taehyung wiped his eyes roughly, legs taking him to the only house he ever liked being at. He got there fairly quickly and didn't hesitate to start jamming his finger against the doorbell until the door opened.

"Holy shit! You're alive!" The ginger haired boy in front gasped, welcoming Taehyung by yanking him into a tight warm hug.

"You're gonna kill me Hoseok," Taehyung grunted, smiling widely whilst his best friend pulled him into his house. He shut the door behind him using his legs since the other had practically imprisoned him in his arms.

"I've been asking you to hang out for days! Where the fuck were you?!" Hoseok eventually let go and lead him towards the kitchen where there was burnt toast all over the counter, "Ignore that, " he briefly turned back with a grin.

Taehyung stared at the toast horrified and picked it up, "I was taking care of Mina and Minjoon, dad was out drunk again and he came back today," he replied as he hit the toast against the counter.

"In your single mum era again I see," Hoseok leaned against the counter, screaming when burnt toast suddenly popped out from behind him, "Forgot that was in there," he sheepishly smiled watching Taehyung roll his eyes and walk towards him.

"Well what about you? You haven't been in school for days now and Jeongguk's starting to pick on me saying I'm a loser," Taehyung gently pushed Hoseok away and began to change the settings of the toaster, shoving some fresh bread inside.

"Oh basically, I was getting a blowjob in the toilets-"

"What?!" Taehyung shrieked in shock, shutting up with Hoseok placed a finger against his lips.

"Let me finish," He glared before starting again, "I was getting one but then this boy named Jimin walks in on us, and little bitch gets all ready to snitch for whatever reason and the guy who was giving it to me started freaking out,"

"So?" Taehyung asked genuinely intrigued.

"I obviously have a crush on him so I wasn't gonna let him get worried, so I then got called to the principals office and I said that it was Jimin giving me a blowjob and that the boy was the one who walked in on us but Jimin freaked out and blamed him," He grinned proud of himself, flicking his hair and giggling.

"You're so fucked up," Taehyung looked at him disbelief and pulled out the toast, placing it on a plate to then butter, "When will you come back?"


"Good, fucking Jeongguk was talking to Mina yesterday and she's probably said something that's gonna have me bullied terribly," Taehyung huffed taking a bite out of the toast which Hoseok stared at with a frown.

"I thought that was for me," He mumbled, "Anyways, I don't get why you don't just report him to the school? His friend Jimin is quick to do that,"

"I don't want to deal with all those meetings and then he'll just bully me even more," Taehyung passed the other half of the toast to Hoseok, "I'm already dealing with enough- I'm a single father working every week to make a living for his children," Taehyung joked, but Hoseok didn't laugh.

"How are you managing that? Tae, you really should be focusing on stuff like school and having fun not two children and a job," He softly scolded the boy who just sighed.

"Someone has to take care of them, plus the school understands my situation," He smiled anyway, brushing his struggles off, "Now that I'm here, let's play please please please,"

"Fine," Hoseok shoved the rest of his toast in his mouth and made his way to the living room where he had his ps4, "We're not playing fucking black ops, I always get your screen mixed up with mine,"

"I'll play that with you on my own one, dads home tonight so I don't have to worry about the two little shits," Taehyung eagerly sat on the floor with Hoseok who loaded up a different one.

They played for hours, talking and talking until they ended up sitting in silence smashing the buttons on the controllers.

"Fuck," Hoseok groaned and dropped the controller when Taehyung won again, "I'm bored,"

"I'm gonna go home now,"

"No! You're finally allowed out can you sleepover? Please!" Hoseok whined and shook Taehyung who whined too, harmonising with him.

"Fine," Taehyung dramatically sighed picking up his controller again, smiling when Hoseok cheered.

However, aside from a stinging sensation in his stomach something other filled it too. He nervously glanced at his phone that sat on the floor and then back at the screen after reading the time.

Something feels wrong.

Everything's wrong when I'm the one writing 😈

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