chapter 6.

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Taehyung massaged his hair softly, rubbing in the conditioner and letting the hot stream of water run does his tanned body. As relaxing as it sounds, it wasn't.

His focus was on the two kids he left alone in his room and how today was the start of Mina's sleepover. From Friday evening to Sunday morning, with his least favourite person: Jeon Jeongguk.

He had already texted him, just a simple 'come' and his address. Jeongguk didn't reply either, just reading the message and leaving it at that. Taehyung was pretty sure he wasn't gonna show up and he'd deal with Mina crying.

He sighed rinsing out the conditioner, ending his shower finally and stepping out. Just as he slipped his boxers on, the doorbell rang making him curse.

"Mina! No opening the door to strangers! Min don't move!" He yelled against the door, hurriedly throwing on a white shirt and rushing out of the bathroom.

"My friends are here!" Mina squealed excitedly, following Taehyung who was rushing down in a hurry and let his wet hair drip down him.

The second he opened the door, a bunch of kids ran inside and a group of mums stood outside.

"Oh Taehyung! Is your dad not home?" A woman asked, a baby in her arm.

"No, he's at a business trip," Taehyung replied smiling at the others who let out an 'ah' and nodded. He knew them pretty well since Mina always had friends over, and he was the one being the father.

"Well, hope they have fun and you have our numbers! Make sure to call us if there's any issue," Another chirped in, a warm chuckle leaving her after.

Taehyung nodded, waving goodbye at the group before shutting the door.

"Don't you think it's unfortunate," A blonde mumbled whilst stepping away, "The poor boy is looking after them most of the time,"

"Yeah, he should be doing teenager stuff— rebelling and homework," another joined in.

Taehyung sighed and turned to the five kids seated on the floor with toy's already scattered everywhere.

Taehyung frowned when he saw some boys, sitting next to Mina and staring. Oh hell no. I told her no boys. He got ready to scold her, but the door rang again.

He rolled his eyes and turned on his heel, pulling open ready to greet mother in the fakers way possible, "What the?" His smile dropped at the boy in front.

"Is that a way to greet someone?" Jeongguk crossed his arms, eyes dropping onto Taehyung's exposed thighs that not even the t-shirt covered, "And is that a way to dress?"

"Shut up," he stepped out of the way to let the boy inside, and instantly he could hear Mina running towards him and screaming.

"Guys! This is my new friend I was telling you about!" Her tiny hands held onto Jeongguk's finger, pulling him to the group eagerly.

Taehyung crossed his arms and watched how they all began to fawn over him, basically ignoring him. He then noticed Minjoon standing awkwardly by the couch, watching with a jealous look on his face.

Taehyung felt a pang of sadness hit him. He knew that the boy had no friends unlike Mina did because he didn't talk. Kids at school found him weird and of course Mina naturally wanted to hang out with other people.

"Why don't us two only cool people go play?" Taehyung gently took the boy his small arms, leading him upstairs. Before he did though, he looked back at Jeongguk who was shooting glares at him with a card in his hand.

"Your brothers really weird," Jeongguk spoke looking down at Mina who held two card together and hummed.

"He always plays with Minjoon, he likes to play baby games with him," Mina joked making the group laugh.

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