Chapter 36.

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Jeongguk impatiently stood outside of the classroom Taehyung was still in. He had wasted an hour on his phone sitting around waiting sitting for the boy, and alas it was time for the boy to leave. 

Five minutes late, Taehyung finally stepped out of the classroom with a tired look on his face. That look was wiped away when he spotted Jeongguk leaning against the door waiting for him, "You're still here?"

"Yeah, I was waiting for you," Jeongguk put his phone in his back pocket and placed an arm around Taehyung's shoulders whilst walking, "How was the extra class?"

"Oh, it was okay just tiring," Taehyung mumbled and kept his eyes down whilst walking. His eyes felt like they were glued shut every time he blinked and he was forcing them apart. His body begged to sleep, but he desperately wanted to go to the party. He was finally given the chance to do normal teenager stuff and he wanted to do it.

"Do you still want to go to the party?" Jeongguk felt selfish for not wanting the boy to say yes. He knew Taehyung would love having the opportunity to go out, but he wanted to spend the evening alone with just Taehyung.

"Yes, I said I'd help Jimin with Hoseok," Taehyung looked at Jeongguk who seemed disappointed, "Do you not want to go?"

"I do, I'm just...worried about not getting back in time for Mina and Minjoon," Jeongguk lied and avoided Taehyung's tired eyes.

"Don't worry, we won't stay for long," Taehyung reassured the boy who hummed.

They walked in silence for a bit after that, it was when they were almost there Taehyung began to speak, "Oh, his house is huge," he pointed out when he noticed the neighbourhood was starting to look a lot more rich.

"Yeah, he's fucking loaded," Jeongguk huffed, "I always tell him to not bother with studying that much cus he has enough money to secure him for life, but he doesn't get it! If I was rich, I'd forget about university," Jeongguk stated whilst Taehyung lightly laughed.

"It's good he had dreams and isn't stuck up like some rich people are," Taehyung's smile began to fade at his statement. I wonder if he thought that of me at one point? Or still does? He swallowed harshly.

"Do you want to go to uni?" Jeongguk noticed the sudden chance in mood and he wondered what was wrong.

"Yeah, I want to be a teacher," Taehyung smiled at the idea of teaching kids, "Do you want to go?"

"Not really, think I'll just stay with my mechanic job," Jeongguk shrugged, "Being a teacher would really suit you, you're good with kids and gentle,"

"Gentle? Didn't you used to call me a bitch and say I spat back too much?" Taehyung laughed in disbelief never expecting those words to come from anyone.

"You are, you have a feisty personality but you're gentle. You have a lot of care in every little thing you do as if you'll break it if you handle it wrong," Jeongguk let out a sigh and looked down at his feet, "I'm sorry for saying that about you, I was wrong,"

"It's okay," Taehyung felt a little bad for bringing up the past and ruining the comfortable mood between them, but then a part of him told him that Jeongguk still deserved to feel that for what he did.

"Ah we're here, unfortunately," Jeongguk muttered the last part under his breath and raised an eyebrow when the door pushed open, "Holy shit," he gawked at the amount of people inside and how loud it was.

Taehyung was a little freaked out about it. Did Namjoon invite the entire school or something? The lights were also hurting his eyes, he wondered how much he must've bought to make it appear as if they were in a club. It was so loud from both the chatter and music he couldn't tell which one was the loudest.

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