Chapter 10.

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Sunday morning was like heaven to Taehyung when he woke up. Excitement so high that he woke up an hour earlier before anyone and got dressed knowing that all he was going to do was play with Hoseok.

Luckily the mums of the kids were like him too, excited to carry on with their day with the early morning task of kids out of the way. The group was out the door within ten minutes after breakfast.

"Bye," Taehyung sweetly smiled at the last kid to leave, shutting the door behind him a little too quickly. A sigh of relief instantly left, his back pressing against the tall door whilst his shoulders dropped in relaxation.

Jeongguk watched him with a raised eyebrow at the top of the stairs, his eyes following the younger that basically skipped to the kitchen where his phone was. Then he snapped his head towards giggling coming from the room closest to the stairs.

His feet naturally took him to the slightly open door and he peeked in, smiling when he saw the two kids grinning up at him, "What are you two doing?"

"Scaring Taehyung," Mina replied, signalling Jeongguk to come in with the pull of her hand. The boy complied obviously and hid behind the door with them, smirking at the fact he had a chance to terrorise Taehyung.

He remembered when he first did something similar, except in school. Taehyung was standing by the classroom window too busy on his phone and Jeongguk snuck up behind him. It ended with Taehyung in tears due to the fear and also the fact his phone had fallen out of the window.

Taehyung yawned whilst on his phone, mindlessly walking up the stairs with a smile on his face. His head snapped up to the sound of a sneeze belonging to Minjoon, he rushed to he top and opened his mouth to call out for the boy.

"Boo!" Jeongguk jumps forward, his hands in a claw type of position to act as if he was a monster.

"Shit!" Taehyung screeched when he felt his foot step on something causing his body to slip backwards and phone fly out of his hands that tried to grab onto something.

Jeongguk's eyes widened, arm striking forward to grab Taehyung's that were also reaching for him. Their fingers brushed against each other merely and for a second Jeongguk believed he had saved Taehyung until he realised his hands were empty.

"Shit!" He cried out, snapping his head to the two kids who watched with mortified faces, "Get inside and don't come out, alright?" Jeongguk pushed them inside the room and slammed the door shut before averting his attention to the real problem.

Jeongguk ran down the stairs, wide eyes stuck on the disturbing scene below.

Taehyung was limp, body laying sideways with blood seeping into a puddle from his forehead that had hair sticking to it. His eyes were still open though, hooded and trying to figure out what was going on.

"Taehyung!" Jeongguk knelt down and took the boys body into his arms shaking him gently, "Fuck you better not die one me I'm not trying to deal with a manslaughter case with our exams coming up," he stared down at Taehyung who let out a mere whimper and snuggled his bloody face against Jeongguk's chest.

For a second Jeongguk felt like he was in some sort of movie, a cliché scene with his lover dying in his arms. When he realised he wasn't in one he swiftly pulled his phone out of his pocket to call an ambulance.

Taehyung could hear Jeongguk's muffled voice from a distance. When he opened his eyes he was met by a strong blue and darkness, there was a stinging sensation in his eyes that caused him to squeeze them shut.

He could feel a strong warmth though, the only thing he could process clearly. His hand slowly raised to grip onto whatever was providing it and a material of some sort crinkled between his fingers.

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