chapter 19.

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Jeongguk turned with his churning stomach and fought of sleep, the urge to throw up felt as sharp as the sun glaring through the window over him. He raised his arm over his face, groaning quite loudly which cause something to move next to him.

What the- He turned his head merely behind him, jumping when he saw Taehyung sleeping next to him. Shit I forgot he was here.

The covers from his chest began to slip off as he sat up to wake the boy up. His eyes lingered on his features for a few seconds, taking in how different he looked compared to when he was awake. The boy genuinely looked peaceful, his puffy face relaxed contrasting with how it was always annoyed or blank when awake.

Jeongguk noticed the boys messy hair tickling his eyes, raising an eyebrow in judgement when he saw how it was uneven meaning the boy probably cut it himself. He scanned his face and stopped at the cut lip which was covered up with makeup yesterday.

Shit that looks painful. Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows and gently pressed his finger against, it frowning deeply when Taehyung let out a quiet pained whine.

"Taehyung, are you awake?" Jeongguk whispered placing a hand against the boys face and patted it gently. The heat of Taehyung's skin caused him to stop — the boy was burning up. He recalled last night how the boy was drenched in his rain wearing a thin jacket to keep him warm.

"Why are you touching me up?" Taehyung rasped out, surprising Jeongguk with his deep voice. He quickly pulled his hand away and let the boy sit up slowly.

"Um, I was waking you up," Jeongguk watched him rub the sleep away and register what was going on. When the boy finally realised he jumped out of bed instantly, "Where are you g-"

"I need to go back, I wasn't supposed to stay overnight! Mina and Minjoon are probably alone right now," Taehyung paced around the room, slipping his shoes on and grabbing his bag whilst Jeongguk was also scrambling to get out of bed.

"I'm coming with you,"

"Why? I don't need you to come there, I already told you to forget about the dad thing and stop trying to be nice," Taehyung stood up straight and glared at the boy, "It's fucking weird and I know that if you never saw that happened I wouldn't even be here," he flung his backpack over his shoulder and gripped onto the strap tightly.

Jeongguk let out a frustrated sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose, "I'm coming because you're sick, I want to help-"

"I said I don't need your help," Taehyung began to feel the anger inside of him grow worse. The idea of Jeongguk being nice was absurd and knowing that the boy wouldn't have changed if he hadn't seen the certain incident annoyed him. It was unfair, why did he have to suffer to get a good thing?

"Fine, go on then but don't blame me-"

"You think I would? I've been taking care of them since I was 7, they're practically my own. Sick or healthy, I raised them without any support so you helping won't do shit for me," Taehyung took in a shaky breath and placed his hand on the handle, "The only reason I'm seeing you is for the assignment, after that let's never talk again," he muttered under his breath and opened the door.

Jeongguk clenched his fists and watched the door shut. It was frustrating, how can someone who clearly needs help refuse it? And it frustrates him that he cared. He hated to admit that he was worried, but he was terrified of going to school and seeing Taehyung bruised up when he could've been there to stop it.

He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a loud sigh. There was a sense of an unexplainable feeling too when he thought about the boy having to take of the kids since he was just a child too.

Forget it, if he doesn't want my help then I don't need to give it. Jeongguk turned away from the door and looked around the floor, groaning mentally at how messy it was.

His eyes landed on Taehyung's clothes on the floor which made him panic a little. Of course he didn't expect them to do anything together, so he relaxed his tense shoulders and bent over to pick them up.

Taehyung stood up straight after looking under a pot to see if a spare key was there or not. There wasn't which lead him to striking the doorbell almost a trillion times and yelling for the two kids to open the door.

The door clicked open and a girl peaked through, opening it widely to welcome the frightened boy inside, "Taehyung!"

"Have you ate? Where's Minjoon? Why aren't you guys ready for school?" Taehyung dropped his backpack onto the floor and shut the door behind him. Minjoon appeared from the kitchen and instantly ran over to hug the boys legs, "Where's your dad?"

"I don't know," Mina pouted, "He was hear last night but when we woke up he was gone again," Taehyung frowned at the news and kneeled down to pull both of them into a tight hug, "Why does he always leave us?"

"Because he doesn't know how to take care of you two," Taehyung pulled away from the hug and softly smiled at the two kids.

Minjoon hesitantly reached for Taehyung's face, pressing his finger against the cut on the side of his lip.

"It's fine, go and get dressed for school whilst I make you breakfast," He stood up and ruffled their hair, watching them run upstairs with a fond smile.

Jeongguk stressfully wrote down the notes on the board, glancing at his phone every once in a while. Class had started almost thirty minutes ago yet there was no sign of Taehyung. He began assuming the worst possibilities.

Forget it, it's his problem. Jeongguk began to write faster as if it would ease him. His hand only continued to grip his locks whilst his leg bounced rapidly.

Fortunately, the door opened revealing an exhausted Taehyung running in with a note. The teacher gave him a simple smile before returning to writing again — which Jeongguk was grateful for.

"Why does he always get away with being late? It's so not fair," Jinyoung whispered beside Jeongguk whose head turned as Taehyung walked.

"I know, miss screamed at me because I was late- I told her it was because I missed my bus and had to walk how is that my f-"

"Because you decided to walk around and eat instead of taking the next bus, June," The teacher turned around making the class snicker and turn to the girl, "And when you guys are late, you don't bother catching up and continue to disturb each other unlike Taehyung who catches up. Do you understand why you all get in trouble?"

Jeongguk ignored the commotion starting in the back and instead stared at Taehyung who completely ignored everything. His eyebrows furrowed when noticing that the boy sniffing a lot and constantly massaging his head.

And he's still going to take care of two kids? Jeongguk shifted his gaze onto the floor before swiftly facing the front again. His dazed eyes didn't bother meeting the teachers that was now yelling at their entire group. He was too lost in his thoughts.

He wondered how many times Taehyung must've showed up like this, and how all those times he was late must've been because he was giving up his own education for kids that weren't even his.

Then, his lips merely tug down when the reminders of how he'd bully Taehyung for that came up. A sense of guilt formed inside of him and he found himself turning around again.

Taehyung didn't glance once at him and just focused on catching up whilst the teacher wasted time reporting the students she was fighting with.

"And Jeongguk, stop staring at Taehyung and do your work," The teacher snapped Jeongguk out of his thoughts and also gained Taehyung's attention.

"Sorry, Miss," Jeongguk gave her an apologetic smile and glanced back at Taehyung one more time.

Taehyung kept a straight face and quickly ducked his head to review his nose, however he wasn't interested in that.

Why was he staring at me so much? Creep.


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