Epilogue; banana milk.

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9 months later.

"You can't pack that! It won't fit!" Taehyung scolded Jeongguk who whined and reached out for the object, glaring at Taehyung who had a mischievous smile on his face.

"But I need it! I can't sleep without it!" Jeongguk laughed at how close they were getting and yet Taehyung continued to tease him. He took the chance to steal a kiss from Taehyung who gasped and froze, "Gotcha,"

"That's not fair!" Taehyung smacked his biceps and angrily shut his suitcase, "You can't keep kissing me to get your way,"

"Too bad," Jeongguk shut his suitcase too and grinned, "I finished first."

"No you fucking did not!"

"Boys! Hurry up!" A woman yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" They yelled in unison.

Taehyung huffed and picked up his mini suitcase and placed it onto the floor, "I can't believe you spoke to your mum to come university with me and picked such a random subject!"

"Random? I'm literally an artist," Jeongguk laughed but the other boy was not amused, "I told you so many times that I'd do anything to stay by your side,"

"Yeah I know," Taehyung sighed and stood up straight, "You know I'd do the same for you, right?"

"Of course, you already do," Jeongguk cupped his face, placing a kiss against his cherry lips, "Are you ready to leave?"

"Yeah, are you?" Taehyung held the boys hand and giggled when Jeongguk pecked his cheek, leading the two out of the room confidently.

Taehyung took one last look at it, it wasn't actually that empty. He wasn't taking much with him, although he was fond of it since he had so many memories in the room and it was his comfort place — he had too much negativity associated with it.

So he only took a few small things that meant a lot to him and one big thing, aka Jeongguk.

Jeongguk also felt strange as he walked down the stairs remembering how he had literally almost accidentally killed Taehyung after trying to scare him and when he first witnessed the abuse. It felt even stranger knowing they wouldn't return for a while until their holidays.

He was surprised when Taehyung discussed moving out with him since the boy was so stuck on not wanting to leave the kids, but after hearing how unbearable it was to live in an area that was haunting he understood completely.

"There you are!" Hari placed her hands on her hips as she stood in front of the stairs with a camera, "Hold onto each other cutely please."

Jeongguk snaked an arm around Taehyung's face and pulled him close, "Like this?" He smirked.

"Perfect!" The woman snapped a picture and squealed, "Now come and give us all a hug," she ushered the kids to go ahead and say their goodbyes to the two.

"Why do you have to go?!" Mina whined, like always and wrapped her arms around Taehyung who laughed and ruffled her hair.

"I'm not going forever stupid, I'll be here during Easter and then summer," Taehyung told the girl who huffed and nodded.

"When can I come to university too?" She eagerly asked.

"When you're 18. Now, I don't want any of you two getting upset when I'm gone. You're not little babies anymore that I have to be here all the time- keep listening to your aunt like you have been and don't you dare cry when I leave," Taehyung sternly told the two who nodded and hugged him.

"And as for me, stop being rude to each other and stop swearing at such a young age," Jeongguk mainly glared at Mina who rolled her eyes, "Minjoon's learning to speak now, he'll starting copying you,"

"Bye bitch," She whispered once she hugged Jeongguk. The boy stood up and shook his head in disbelief.

They walked over to the door the woman who wiped her face and engulfed them into a tight hug. Although she had been there only for 9 months, it had felt like she was a close relative of many years now.

"I'm gonna miss you two so much, make sure you enjoy university and don't overwork yourself. Have fun now, you two deserve it," She pinched both of their cheeks and patted their backs as they stepped out of the door, "Go on Minjoon, say bye,"

Minjoon stared up at the hesitantly and hid behind the tall woman, "Bye," he quietly spoke.

Taehyung and Jeongguk would never forget his soft high pitched voice. They hoped that as they visited, over time each visit there would be more words that came out of his mouth even if it was just three more.

"Bye," They said their finally ones and walked over to the car which they had fought over on who would be driving it.

Jeongguk of course won after having a long debate with Taehyung and sternly told him that he wasn't allowed to do anything but relax like a passenger princess.

"Okay, are you forgetting anything?" Jeongguk asked as he shut the car boot and walked over to the drivers seat.

Taehyung checked his pockets for everything and then shook his head no. He swallowed down the indescribable feeling he was experiencing due to leaving a place which so many memories and events, both good and bad.

He peered out the window on Jeongguk's side and waved at the three standing in front of the door and watching them leave with teary eyes.

Suddenly his eyes widened in realisation, "Wait! I forgot something!" He announced and opened the car door, running inside.

He had forgotten one thing which would always send them back to their young years even many years into the future maybe when they're married. Something that was there at the start of their relationship, their first kiss, first sleepover, and first basically everything.

And now it was going to be here for their first time moving out together.

Jeongguk watched boy jog into the car with a whole bunch of cartons which confused him. When he sat inside he couldn't help but laugh at it. Of course, how he forget the most significant thing?

Banana milk.


oh my god I'm in tears I'm so emotional right now this was such an great book I absolutely adored and will forever adore, I have such a personal connection it and I will genuinely miss it so much it pains me to write this rn

Thank you all so much reading this, it means a lot 🤍 the mini sequel will not be a separate book so u will get notifications when I release it ;))))

once again Tysm 🤍

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