Update A/A

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Remember how I said I'm continuing this?
I lied.
I honestly don't want to continue it.
But let me explain!!

I'm going to be re-writing the book! Meaning parts will be changed a lot and other parts will be added, but everything else in this book originally will be added.

Also I want to announce something that younger me didn't want to admit.
When I was first starting the app I read a lot of Errink fanfics and saw this one story, I don't remember the name and I highly doubt it's still on here, but I copied it. I did change it soon after though because of my shame but in reality I mostly stole the story and did everything else myself, throughout the beginning I copied the story but later on I did it by myself and wrote the rest from my own imagination. I still hate myself for doing it, I even stole art on the internet and traced it and claimed it as my own.. I have a sketchbook that's filled with some of the drawings along side with a folder. My younger friend was the only one who called me out of it. I haven't done anything like that since though! It was when I was in 7th grade that I finally stopped because I realized it was bad, I had some of the drawings on my wall and I look them down so I could replace them with art I actually worked on (which I never did).
But now you know the truth, and I hope you guys don't hate my for that.

But besides that, I'm remaking this story and the cover... the covers also traced. :,)
ANYWAYS! I just wanted to update you all on that, and if I could I would of showed the original story but I can't find it anymore. But I'll keep looking! I'll update if I find it :)

Anyways, enjoy your day/night and go on with what you were doing before! Bye bye!
(Gonna promote myself here so *ahem* I recommend if you go check out my other stories I have up! More will be added soon...so ye. Bye bye now!)

A Change of Fate ( Ink x Error )Where stories live. Discover now