The attack

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( this is what they look like ) ( again )

( this is what they look like ) ( again )

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-Rin's POV-

I was sitting by a giant blossom tree that was on the highest hill and had a view of the whole village. The place dose remind me of JapanTale a lot just cause of the Japan atmosphere. Everyone there is so friendly and kind. The place loved music and stuff they represented. Even when you're far away you can hear the cheerful music and laughters of the villagers. Each person represented something. Like music, or life, or peace, etc. My bro never seemed to like the village for some reason. Each time he saw the group of fire symbols he would stand in front of me and block me from their view. I heard a twig snap behind me. Making me quickly look around me in surprise.

"Jesus you scared me." I laughed. Rang started walking over to me and sat down beside me. "Who else did you think I was?" Rang asked. "Maybe siren or nabstablook." I said. "Who's nabstablook?" "Oh my lord. You already know who he is." Rang laughed a little.

"So what are you doing alone here?" Rang asked. "I just needed a bit time to think." I said. Leaning back against the tree. "About what?"

"Well-" I paused as I heard a crashing sound. We quickly got up and ran over to where we could see where the sound came from. We looked down to see a building now on fire and everyone running for their lives. "Stay here. I'll be back." Rang said. Getting up and started to walk away. I grabbed his sleeve and looked up at him. "Wait! It's not sa-" I was cut off by Rang. "This is our village. And I'm not letting it get destroyed." I let go of his arm and he started walking away. Leaving me alone.

I looked back down at the village. Feeling helpless. I wanted to help but I haven't been able to use my powers as well anymore from a accident that happened..

"Well well well. What do we have here? A helpless little skeleton?"

I look behind me to face where the talking came from. Nothing. I slowly started to get up and walk over to the tree. I looked all around the tree but nothing was there. I heard something snap above me. I slowly looked up above me at the tree branch and froze.

"Peekaboo~" The tall skeleton jumped down from the tree and pinned me to the ground. Knife now against my neck. The skeleton was wearing a kinda faded blue jacket with very crazy looking eyes. I'm guessing his name was maybe Dust. Ink told me about some of the sanses and what they look like.

I opened my mouth to say something but Dust only pushed the knife closer to my neck. I started panicking until I started grinning. "Wipe that fucking grin of your face or I'll-" I quickly shot my knee up and hit his no no square with my knee. Making him move the knife away. I pushed him off and went to run. He tried to get up but fell back down. Curling up in a ball. I ran as fast and far as I could. Trying to get away from him. I ran down to the village to where everyone was. Everyone ran around in panic. Not sure on what to do.

"RETREAT TO THE MAIN POND!" I yelled. The main pond is a place where everyone got their food and water. The place was surrounded with trees and deep down in the forest. The water was clear but there was a hidden tunnel that you can't see well. Only people with the right power can open the tunnel passage to get in.

Everyone started to run to the pond extremely quick. Me being the leader and helping people. I got to the pond and everyone jumped in.


I looked over at the forest as the last person got in. All I saw was darkness in the forest. Only little patches of sunlight showed any light in the forest. I sat something shoot at me to fast for me to see. The things wrapped around me. Locking my arms on place. My legs still dangling out. I started to lose my balance and fall into the lake until another thing shot at me. Wrapping around my body again and pulling me up.

I saw something moving in the forest. The object got revealed some by the light from the forest. A tall skeleton emerged from the dark and showed half of their body under the sunlight. The tall skeleton was all black. Blue striped on the side of his cheek. Or on both of them. Red sweater. And some weird stuff floating around him that said 'ERROR'. "P-please let me go..." I said. He tugged on the string and made me start flying towards him. He grabbed the strings that was wrapped around me and lifted me up. Looking closer at me and glaring. I noticed how he was glitching out a bit when he picked me up with the strings.

"I'm guessing this is maybe Error. Ink talks about him a lot. Not sure why."

"C-can you please let me go... I need to find my bro...." I said. Trying to move away from him. Fear overcoming me as he did nothing. He moved his head closer and whispered where my ear would be.

" far away from here with the village and your brother...I'll find you when it's safe again..." He whispered, sending chills down my spine. He put me down and cut the strings. Letting me go from the string trap. He looked back at the forest and nodded. Turning around and walking back into the deep forest.

I stood there in shock on what just happened. I was broke from my mind to the sound of something running towards me. I froze and couldn't move. The object got closer and pounced on me. Pinning me down and knocking the wind out of me. The object hugged me very tightly while crying.

"DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" He yelled. I hugged him back after realizing who they were. "I'm sorry Rang... I didn't mean to scare you..." I said. Rang broke the hug and raised his head to look at me. "Promise you won't do it again..." Rang said. Making me smile and laugh a little. "Promise." Rang lowered his head and made our foreheads touch.

Rang got up and quickly picked me up before I could get up. "You know I can walk." I said while Rang started walking to the pond. Him still holding me. "Don't care and never will." Rang said. He stood by the pond and looked at me looking with a look of "are you ready" on his face. I nodded and he jumped into the pond with the both of us.

-Dreams POV-

I was woken up to Ink yelling something. I quickly ran up the stairs and to Inks door. I know that Ink can't create or fix stuff as good before because of his foot. I know that he can fix his foot with the brush but I've seen him in his room always trying to fixing his foot by using one of the small brushes. But it never worked. He even tried using his main brush. Broomie. But it never worked. I slammed the door open. Making the hole in the wall bigger. I saw Ink sitting on his bed. Crying some. I rushed over to Ink and hugged him tightly.

"What's wrong..." I asked. Pulling away from the hug and placing my hands on Inks cheekbones. Wiping away the tears on his eyes with my thumbs. He started to nuzzle my hands with his face. Making me blush a little.

Okay I get it. You might think it's weird for someone to like more than one person. But it's just that Inks so kind and caring. He was supper shy when he was a child. But once he grew up he got out of that habit of being supper shy. I still remember his old friend some. Ink spent everyday with him but one day he disappeared. Leaving Ink behind. I've been by Inks side each day ever since then and started catching feelings by accident. Their not THAT huge to where I dream about him each day. But when Ink dose something that looks cute it would make me blush some. Ink only noticed a few times and I would pass on with "It's nothing I'm just cold." I know he doesn't like me back. So I try to forget about it.

"It's nothing...just a stupid nightmare...." Ink said. Looking up at me with fear and sadness in his eyes. His left eye a blue teardrop. And his right eye a purple circle. I started to do a slow rhythm with moving my thumbs in circles. Inks eyes slowly went back to normal. He slowly wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I moved my hands away from his face and hugged him back.




I looked over at Inks phone and saw that his alarm went off. I pressed the stop button and picked Ink up. "Why do you do this. You know I can walk." Ink said. I laughed a little and started carrying him to the kitchen. "You just had a nightmare. You need to take a break." I said. Looking down at the small mad skeleton. He isn't that little from my height but he still weighed like a feather. Not sure why.

A Change of Fate ( Ink x Error )Where stories live. Discover now