Cooking dares

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(My brain won't work at night so idk what to name this.)

-Inks POV-

I teleported to the grocery store that was on the surface of undertale, the place was small and white, it had a kinda medium sized green line that stretched across the whole store that was above the door. There was a sign that was on the store that said "ollie's green and goods."

I walked inside and looked around the small crowded store and grabbed one of the baskets that was on the left side of the door and walked over to the fruits and vegetables ( which I think you call the produce section- ) that was on the left and beside the door. "Should I get some fruit..? Or some vegetables to make some different food with...? Hmm...." I shrugged while grabbing some lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, etc. "I'll just take these." I thought as I walked out of the produce section and walking around the store and getting ingredients to make food with.

-time skip-

I waited in the line so I could check out my items. I think I bought to much-

I'm had to change my small basket to a shopping cart cause of all the stuff I picked out. Everyone already left cause it was almost 10 pm. Only 7 customers and 9 people were left in the store. It finally got to my turn to check out. I sat the stuff on the conveyor belt ( I think that's what it called ) so the employee could scan them. I finally got all the stuff and walked outside with my bags of food. I opened a portal to my house and walked in.

"I'm back!" I said cheerfully as I walking into the house. Portal closing behind me. "Jesus Christ Ink! How much food do you need!" Error asked with a tone that was confused but a little hateful. I think why he was so shocked and mad was because I was carrying about 13 bags full of food. "Enough for me to survive on!" I replied while walking to the kitchen with the food. "Sigh do you need help?" Error asked. I sat the food on the counter and started taking some of the fruits and vegetables out of the bag.

"I would like that." I replied as I put some fruits in the sink so I can rinse them out. Error walked over to me and stood by my right and started to rinse off the fruit I sat in the sink, then putting them in the fridge.

We both got the fruits and the vegetables all washed off and into the fridge. We put some taco shells and bread in the cabinets. Also we put the meat away.

"So what do you wanna eat?" Error asked. "How about some pork with some salad?" I said. "That doesn't sound to bad." Error started to look in the fridge and got the ingredients we needed. "You know how to make pork?" I asked.

"No..?" "Me either." "Well I guess we both will learn."

-time skip-

Me and Error ended up making some spaghetti and salad after burning the pork by accident while cooking it. Me and Error sat on the couch and ate out food while watching some late night sponge bob. ( I think I remember nick toons having sponge bob on all night. You can check if you want but I can't remember so :/)

I already ate my spaghetti and started to eat my salad. "So...hows your foot?" I looked over at Error and swallowed some of the lettuce I was chewing. "It's okay right now..." I replied. "Can I see it?" "I guess.."

-Dreams POV-

Me and Blue started to walk to the door of Inks house after making a portal to there. I was about to knock on the door until I herd taking inside.

"Jesus that's big!" I herd Error say.

"Y-yeah..." Wait... what are they talking about!?

"W-Wait d-dont touch it like that!"

"Oh calm down Ink."

"J-just be careful okay.." OH HELL NO!

I broke the door open and yelled. "INK! ERROR! DONT-"

"Oh h-hey Dream.." Ink said. I stood there as I saw Error holding Inks broken foot. Error gave me the look of "what the fuck". "Whoops-" I said while putting my hands behind my back and gave a wide sorry grin. "Dream this is the 20th time this month!!! Stop breaking my door!!" Ink yelled at me.

"W-well I thought-" Error cut me off. "Get your head out of the damn gutter Dream! God you guys are freaks." "H-how about we play truth to dare..?" Ink suggested. "Okay!" Blue said while rushing inside and jumping on top of Ink. "Why do you always do this." Ink said. "Because I missed you!" Blue replied.

"I saw you last night!"

"I know but I didn't see you this morning."

-3rd person POV-

Ink fixed the door but it was still cracked. And since Ink is still weak after he broke his foot he can't create things as well as he used to. But after Ink fixed the door the 4 sanses sat on the floor and started daring each other stuff. Like "lick the wall." Or "put on makeup." Just some simple dares. But then it started to get more awkward and kinda lustful dares. Some were "wear a maid dress." Or "eat a popsicle lustfully." But Ink and Error didn't want to cooperate with what Dream and Blue was daring.

"Ink, I dare you to tell us a awkward story." Dream said. Ink lightly blushed while scratching the back of his skull. "W-well I'm not sure about that..." Ink said back. "Oh come on! It's only between us 3!" Blue said.

"Well...I never really had awkward encounters but there was one time when I was fighting some people from Nightmares gang.. it was dust, cross, and Nightmare himself...I was walking around OuterTale and I saw them near by. I tried to walk away but they saw me. We started fighting and during fighting I fell on the ground and dust kept me down with his bones. Nightmare started walking up to me to he could attack me but tripped over his own foot and fell on top of me. We both stared at each other awkwardly while the others where quietly laughing in the background. Nightmare got off of me then told me to not speak about it. He also told the 2 others and threatened them to not tell yeah..." Ink said.

The others looked in shock after hearing what happened. "Anyways. Error. I dare you to tie Dream to the ceiling with your strings." Ink said. Error smirked and got his strings ready. "DONT YOU DARE!" Dream yelled as he stood up and stared running. Error eventually grabbed Dream with his strings and tied him to the ceiling. "LET ME DOWN YOU ASSHOLE!!" Dream yelled. "Nah." Error said while sitting back down at where he originally sat earlier. "Blue. I dare you to call Dust and say the first word that comes to mind." Error said. "But I don't have his number-" Blue was cut off by Error tossing his phone at Blue that had Dusts number already on it.

Blue took a deep breath and pressed the call button.


"The hell do you want now Error!" Dust said from the other side of the phone. "Um... h-hi daddy- crap-" Blue said. He started blushing a lot and shaking. "Who the hell is this!?" Dust yelled. "U-um.... S-Swap..?" Blue said. "Wait- BLUE!?!" Dust yelled. "Y-yeah I'msosorrythiswasforadareididntmeantoilljusthangupnowbye!!!" Blue yelled. "Wait!-" Dusts got cut off my the phone being hung up. I guess you could say that he really was a blueberry by the way he looked right now. "You okay blue?" Ink asked. "Y-yeahimperfectlyfinenoneedtoworryaboutme!itsnotlikeijusthumliatedmyselfbycallingdustdaddybecauseiwasoanicingandthoughtoftheworddaddy!!" Blue said. He said it so fast and loud to where you couldn't tell what he said. "Anywaysinktruthordare." Blue said. He kept jumbling his words all together.

"Dare I guess." Ink said. "I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with Error!"

( TBC ÙwÚ )

(I got this done at 12:28 am-)

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